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Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide
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Document Information


1.  Introduction to the System Management Agent

2.  Configuring the System Management Agent

Platforms and Packages

Removing Packages

To Uninstall the Packages of the System Management Agent

Default Software Locations

Configuration Files and Scripts

Persistent Storage Files

Managing Configuration With the Main Configuration File

Using the AgentX Protocol

To Enable the AgentX Protocol

3.  Working with the System Management Agent

4.  Managing Security

5.  Migrating From Other Agents

A.  Tools and Man Pages



Configuration Files and Scripts

As a standard Net-SNMP implementation, configuration of the System Management Agent can be done principally through the snmpd.conf user configuration file. Usage of this file is described in Managing Configuration With the Main Configuration File. For configuring the default settings that the System Management Agent uses, a separate configuration file, named snmp.conf, is provided. This file is described in Appendix A, Tools and Man Pages.

Some configuration files, scripts and man pages bear similar names. These files, scripts and man pages are summarized for clarity in the following list.


A script that helps you to create and modify SMA configuration files. The SMA snmpconf script is located in the /usr/sfw/bin/ directory. An associated man page, snmpconf(1M), is provided.


A configuration file for the System Management Agent. This file defines how applications operate. Use this file to configure default settings to reduce the number of required arguments when using SNMP commands, for example, in defining an SNMPv3 default user. An associated man page, snmp.conf(4), is provided.


Several files named snmpd.conf are provided in this Solaris release. These files are as follows:

  • The most important snmpd.conf file is the configuration file for operation of the System Management Agent. This file is located in the /etc/sma/snmp directory. An associated man page, snmpd.conf(4), is provided.

  • The Solstice Enterprise Agents configuration file is also named snmpd.conf. This file is located in the /etc/snmp/conf directory.

  • The persistent storage file of the SMA is also named snmpd.conf. This persistent storage file is located in the /var/sma_snmp/ directory. This file is described in Persistent Storage Files.

  • The template file used by a migration script for Sun Fire servers is also named snmpd.conf. This template file is located in the /usr/sfw/lib/sma_snmp/ directory. Sun Fire servers use the migration script to modify the System Management Agent's main configuration file, snmpd.conf. For more information about migration to the SMA from the management agent for Sun Fire servers, see Migration From the Sun Fire Management Agent.


Two snmpd daemons are provided in this Solaris release:

  • The System Management Agent snmpd daemon is the SNMP agent that executes requests of the SMA software. The SMA snmpd daemon is located in the /usr/sfw/sbin/ directory. An associated man page, snmpd(1M), is provided.

  • The Sun SNMP Management Agent for Sun Fire and Netra Systems (Sun SNMP Management Agent for Sun Fire and Netra Systems) uses an agent also named snmpd.


Overall introductory man page for the System Management Agent. An alias, or alternative name, for the sma_snmp(5) man page is the netsnmp(5)


The snmp_config(4) man page provides an overview of the System Management Agent configuration file, snmpd.conf.

For further information see Man Pages.

Persistent Storage Files

The persistent storage file, /var/sma_snmp/snmpd.conf, contains USM security information and any MIB components that are set for persistent storage. This file also contains the engineID and the engineID boots. This persistent storage file is automatically updated when the System Management Agent starts. When the System Management Agent stops, the snmpusm and snmpvacm utilities write user security information to this storage file. For more information on security, see Chapter 4, Managing Security.

The persistent storage file is generated based upon the tokens that are placed in the main user configuration file in /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf. For more information, see the snmpd.conf(4) man page.

Managing Configuration With the Main Configuration File

The main configuration file that is shipped with the System Management Agent is the snmpd.conf file. This file is located in the /etc/sma/snmp directory. A minimal version is provided as a standard template to help you get started.

Various tokens are available as with standard Net-SNMP for managing configuration. These tokens are managed through the snmpd.conf file. Each of these tokens has an init module that runs when the System Management Agent starts.

In addition to the standard Net-SNMP implementation, some extra modules are provided with the System Management Agent. These extra modules include the seaProxy module and the seaExtensions module, described in Migration From Solstice Enterprise Agents Software.

For more information about the snmpd.conf file, see the snmpd.conf(4) man page.

As an SNMP agent, the System Management Agent must run on port 161. If another process is running on port 161, the System Management Agent does not start. To see if the System Management Agent is not starting because another agent is running at port 161, check the contents of the /var/log/snmpd.log log file. This log file also details any other errors that might occur at startup.

Using the AgentX Protocol

The AgentX protocol is supported in the System Management Agent. By default, the System Management Agent ships with a secure profile, that is, read–only access. AgentX allows interaction with third party subagents, provided that these subagents support AgentX over Unix Domain Sockets. For security reasons, AgentX is not supported over TCP/UDP. For more information on the AgentX protocol, see

Edit the main /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf configuration file to configure the System Management Agent to use the AgentX protocol. By default, the AgentX protocol is disabled. The following procedure describes how to enable the AgentX protocol.

To Enable the AgentX Protocol

  1. As root, edit the main /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf configuration file.

    Add the following line:

    master agentx
  2. Restart the System Management Agent.
    # svcadm restart svc:/application/management/sma:default
See Also

Various other options can be set for the AgentX protocol. For example, you can set the timeout period for AgentX requests. These options are described in the snmpd.conf(4) man page.