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Programming Interfaces Guide
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1.  Memory and CPU Management

2.  Remote Shared Memory API for Solaris Clusters

3.  Session Description Protocol API

4.  Process Scheduler

5.  Locality Group APIs

6.  Input/Output Interfaces

7.  Interprocess Communication

8.  Socket Interfaces

9.  Programming With XTI and TLI

10.  Packet Filtering Hooks

11.  Transport Selection and Name-to-Address Mapping

12.  Real-time Programming and Administration

Basic Rules of Real-time Applications

Factors that Degrade Response Time

Synchronous I/O Calls

Interrupt Servicing

Shared Libraries

Priority Inversion

Sticky Locks

Runaway Real-time Processes

Asynchronous I/O Behavior

Real-time Files

The Real-Time Scheduler

Dispatch Latency

Scheduling Classes

Dispatch Queue

Dispatching Processes

Process Preemption

Kernel Priority Inversion

User Priority Inversion

Interface Calls That Control Scheduling

Using priocntl

Other interface calls

Utilities That Control Scheduling



Configuring Scheduling

Dispatcher Parameter Table

Reconfiguring config_rt_dptbl

Memory Locking

Locking a Page

Unlocking a Page

Locking All Pages

Recovering Sticky Locks

High Performance I/O

POSIX Asynchronous I/O

Solaris Asynchronous I/O

Notification (SIGIO)

Using aioread

Using aiowrite

Using aiocancel

Using aiowait

Using poll()

Using the poll Driver

Using close

Synchronized I/O

Synchronization Modes

Synchronizing a File

Interprocess Communication

Processing Signals

Pipes, Named Pipes, and Message Queues

Using Semaphores

Shared Memory

Asynchronous Network Communication

Modes of Networking

Timing Facilities

Timestamp Interfaces

Interval Timer Interfaces

13.  The Solaris ABI and ABI Tools

A.  UNIX Domain Sockets


Interprocess Communication

This section describes the interprocess communication (IPC) interfaces of SunOS as the interfaces relate to real-time processing. Signals, pipes, FIFOs, message queues, shared memory, file mapping, and semaphores are described here. For more information about the libraries, interfaces, and routines that are useful for interprocess communication, see Chapter 7, Interprocess Communication.

Processing Signals

The sender can use sigqueue(3RT) to send a signal together with a small amount of information to a target process.

To queue subsequent occurrences of a pending signal, the target process must have the SA_SIGINFO bit set for the specified signal. See the sigaction(2) man page.

The target process normally receive signals asynchronously. To receive signals synchronously, block the signal and call either sigwaitinfo(3RT) or sigtimedwait(3RT). See the sigprocmask(2) man page. This procedure causes the signal to be received synchronously. The value sent by the caller of sigqueue(3RT) is stored in the si_value member of the siginfo_t argument. Leaving the signal unblocked causes the signal to be delivered to the signal handler specified by sigaction(2), with the value appearing in the si_value of the siginfo_t argument to the handler.

A specified number of signals with associated values can be sent by a process and remain undelivered. Storage for {SIGQUEUE_MAX} signals is allocated at the first call to sigqueue(3RT). Thereafter, a call to sigqueue(3RT) either successfully enqueues at the target process or fails within a bounded amount of time.

Pipes, Named Pipes, and Message Queues

Pipes, named pipes, and message queues behave similarly to character I/O devices. These interfaces have different methods of connecting. See Pipes Between Processes for more information about pipes. See Named Pipes for more information about named pipes. See System V Messages and POSIX Messages for more information about message queues.

Using Semaphores

Semaphores are also provided in both System V and POSIX styles. See System V Semaphores and POSIX Semaphores for more information.

Note that using semaphores can cause priority inversions unless priority inversions are explicitly avoided by the techniques mentioned earlier in this chapter.

Shared Memory

The fastest way for processes to communicate is directly, through a shared segment of memory. When more than two processes attempt to read and write shared memory simultaneously, the memory contents can become inaccurate. This potential inaccuracy is the major difficulty with using shared memory.