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Programming Interfaces Guide
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Document Information


1.  Memory and CPU Management

2.  Remote Shared Memory API for Solaris Clusters

3.  Session Description Protocol API

4.  Process Scheduler

5.  Locality Group APIs

6.  Input/Output Interfaces

7.  Interprocess Communication

8.  Socket Interfaces

9.  Programming With XTI and TLI

What Are XTI and TLI?

XTI/TLI Read/Write Interface

Write Data

Read Data

Close Connection

Advanced XTI/TLI Topics

Asynchronous Execution Mode

Advanced XTI/TLI Programming Example

Asynchronous Networking

Networking Programming Models

Asynchronous Connectionless-Mode Service

Making the Endpoint Asynchronous

Asynchronous Network Transfers

Asynchronous Connection-Mode Service

Asynchronously Establishing a Connection

Asynchronous Use of a Connection

Asynchronous Open

Transferring a File Descriptor

State Transitions

XTI/TLI States

Outgoing Events

Incoming Events

State Tables

Guidelines to Protocol Independence

XTI/TLI Versus Socket Interfaces

Socket-to-XTI/TLI Equivalents

Additions to the XTI Interface

10.  Packet Filtering Hooks

11.  Transport Selection and Name-to-Address Mapping

12.  Real-time Programming and Administration

13.  The Solaris ABI and ABI Tools

A.  UNIX Domain Sockets


XTI/TLI Versus Socket Interfaces

XTI/TLI and sockets are different methods of handling the same tasks. Although they provide mechanisms and services that are functionally similar, they do not provide one-to-one compatibility of routines or low-level services. Observe the similarities and differences between the XTI/TLI and socket-based interfaces before you decide to port an application.

The following issues are related to transport independence, and can have some bearing on RPC applications: