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Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Developer Documentation
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1.  Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Developer Documentation

Which Oracle Solaris Distribution is Right for You?

Oracle Solaris 10 Operating System

OpenSolaris Operating System

Learning About Development on the Oracle Solaris OS

Map to the Oracle Solaris OS Man Page Collection

Building Applications in the Oracle Solaris OS

Oracle Solaris Developer Tools

Using the Runtime Linker and Link Editor

Kernel-Level Debugging

Using the Oracle Solaris Studio Tools

Using the NetBeans IDE

AMP Stack for Web Application Development and Deployment

Using Oracle Message Passing Toolkit

Packaging Applications for the Oracle Solaris OS

Oracle Solaris Dynamic Tracing

Writing Java Programs for the Oracle Solaris OS

Supplying Platform-Independent Online Help

Programming to Specific Hardware and Configurations

Known Oracle Solaris Compatible Hardware

Testing x86 Hardware for Oracle Solaris Compatibility

Developing in the x86 Assembly Language

Developing in the SPARC Assembly Language

Developing 64-bit Applications for the Oracle Solaris OS

Developing for a Cluster Environment

Network Programming in the Oracle Solaris OS

Making Remote Procedure Calls

Adding Device Management Information to the System Management Agent

Developing Web-Based Enterprise Management Applications

Programming with Oracle Solaris Interfaces and Frameworks

Multithreaded Programming in the Oracle Solaris OS

Programming Interfaces

Developing Custom Storage Modules for the DHCP Service

Developing Security Applications and Services in the Oracle Solaris OS

Developing Device Drivers

Writing System Resource Management Applications

Developing Software for International Audiences

Building Applications in the Oracle Solaris OS

This section provides information on Oracle Solaris facilities for developing applications, including compiling, debugging, tuning, and packaging applications.

Oracle Solaris Developer Tools

The Oracle Solaris OS includes a number of developer software packages, which are available when you install the appropriate Oracle Solaris software group for developers. For installation purposes, the Oracle Solaris OS is logically divided into software groups, which are collections of Oracle Solaris packages.

When you install the Oracle Solaris OS, you must select one of the following software groups, which contain the developer packages:

With these software groups, you get compilers such as the GNU C compiler (gcc) and the Java compiler (javac). Also installed are the GNU source-level debugger (gdb) and the modular debugger (mdb and kmdb), a linker (ld), source control utilities (sccs), and build utilities such as make. See the article Building Software on the Solaris OS for a quick lesson in using some of the standard tools.

Note - Most developers should use the more powerful Oracle Solaris Studio and NetBeans development and build tools. See Using the Oracle Solaris Studio Tools and Using the NetBeans IDE.

Using the Runtime Linker and Link Editor

The Oracle Solaris OS provides a link editor and runtime linker. The Linker and Libraries Guide covers the link editor ld(1), the runtime linker, the ELF object file format, and shared objects, which are sometimes referred to as shared libraries.

The manual is intended for a range of programmers who are interested in the Oracle Solaris linkers, from the beginner to the advanced user. Beginners learn the principal operations of the link editor and runtime linker. Intermediate programmers learn to create and use efficient custom libraries. Advanced programmers, such as language-tools developers, learn how to interpret and generate object files. A chapter on application binary interfaces describes how to manage the evolution of an interface that is provided by a dynamic object. Other chapters cover thread-local storage and mapfile directives.

Kernel-Level Debugging

The Modular Debugger mdb is an extensible, general purpose debugging tool for the Oracle Solaris OS. The Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide describes how to use the mdb(1) command to debug complex software systems. The guide emphasizes the facilities that are available for debugging the Oracle Solaris kernel and associated device drivers and modules. The guide includes a complete reference for the mdb language syntax, debugger features, and the mdb module programming API.

The Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide also features information on kmdb, the kernel-level analogue to mdb.

Using the Oracle Solaris Studio Tools

The Oracle Solaris Studio software provides modules for creating, editing, building, debugging, and analyzing the performance of a C, C++, or Fortran application. Many Oracle Solaris Studio tools have both a GUI and command-line equivalent. Those tools with GUIs provide online help. For the command-line versions, use the associated man pages. If you start dbx from the command line, type commands at the (dbx) prompt to get a brief description of each dbx command.

Download Oracle Solaris Studio software from Sun Studio Downloads.

The Oracle Solaris Studio Express program offers early access releases of the next Oracle Solaris Studio release in development. Download Oracle Solaris Studio Express from Oracle Solaris Studio Express Downloads.

Note that the Oracle Solaris Studio IDE installs its own version of the NetBeans IDE. This NetBeans installation is not intended to be used independently of the Oracle Solaris Studio software, and you might experience errors if you use it separately. If you want to use the NetBeans IDE, you should install the NetBeans IDE separately from installing Oracle Solaris Studio or Oracle Solaris Studio Express software.

The Oracle Solaris Studio software includes the following tools:

See the following web sites for Oracle Solaris Studio documentation:

Using the NetBeans IDE

NetBeans IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides tools to help you build cross-platform applications for the Oracle Solaris OS and other operating platforms. The NetBeans IDE is available from To see the installation guide, go to the Releases & Planning page, click the “General Info” link for the release you want, and then find the Installation Instructions on that page.

The NetBeans IDE contains the following features:

Visit the web site for more information. New users might find the following pages particularly useful:

AMP Stack for Web Application Development and Deployment

Web Stack software is a collection of popular open source web technologies that enable developers to easily build and deploy web applications. Web Stack includes an AMP (Apache/MySQL/Perl or PHP) stack that has been optimized for the Oracle Solaris OS. See Sun GlassFish Web Stack Documentation for more information.

The Web Stack components include the following technologies:

Using Oracle Message Passing Toolkit

The Oracle Message Passing Toolkit, formerly Sun HPC ClusterTools, is a set of development tools that you can use to develop parallel applications designed to run on distributed-memory systems.

For Oracle Solaris 10, the latest Oracle Message Passing Toolkit can be downloaded from the Oracle Message Passing Toolkit page.

Oracle Message Passing Toolkit includes the following technologies:

The Oracle Message Passing Toolkit can be used with the Oracle Solaris Studio compilers for C, C++, and Fortran. The Oracle Message Passing Toolkit is integrated with Oracle Solaris Studio Performance Analyzer to deliver full profiling capabilities for MPI applications, including MPI States, a feature unique to Performance Analyzer. The Oracle Message Passing Toolkit also supports the popular Totalview and Allinea DDT parallel debuggers.

See the Sun HPC ClusterTools documentation set for complete information about using the Oracle Message Passing Toolkit.

Packaging Applications for the Oracle Solaris OS

Software programs must be incorporated into a package to be installed in the Oracle Solaris OS. The Application Packaging Developer’s Guide provides step-by-step instructions and relevant background information for designing, building, and verifying System V, or SVR4 packages on the Oracle Solaris OS. A chapter with case studies provides several package creation examples in a variety of situations. This document also includes descriptions of advanced techniques that you might find to be helpful during the package creation process.

For OpenSolaris releases, applications can be packaged for the Image Packaging System (IPS). See the OpenSolaris 2010.05 Image Packaging System Guide and Multi-platform Packaging for Layered Distros for more information about application packaging for IPS.

Oracle Solaris Dynamic Tracing

Oracle Solaris Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for the Oracle Solaris OS. The DTrace facility provides a powerful infrastructure to enable administrators, developers, and service personnel to concisely answer arbitrary questions about the behavior of the operating system and user programs. DTrace can help developers identify performance issues and bugs in applications. The Oracle Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide describes in depth how to use DTrace to observe, debug, and tune system behavior. This guide also includes a complete reference for bundled DTrace observability tools and the D programming language.

In addition to the manual, you can find links to training, articles and other resources for DTrace at the following locations:

Writing Java Programs for the Oracle Solaris OS

The Java software is optimized to deliver superior performance to server-side and client-side Java technology applications in an enterprise environment. The web site provides complete documentation for Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE). The SDN New to Java Programming Center is a good place to start learning about Java programming.

Supplying Platform-Independent Online Help

The JavaHelp system is a full-featured, platform-independent, extensible help system that enables you to incorporate online help in applets, components, applications, operating systems, and devices. You can also use the JavaHelp software to deliver online documentation for web applications. The JavaHelp System product page includes links for downloading JavaHelp software and the JavaHelp System User's Guide and other documentation. Note that the JavaHelp system is not an authoring system, but a help infrastructure. The product page also includes information about third-party help authoring tools that support the JavaHelp system. In addition, you can subscribe to the mailing list to get help from other JavaHelp users.