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Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Label Administration
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Document Information


1.  Labels in Trusted Extensions Software

2.  Planning Labels (Tasks)

3.  Making a Label Encodings File (Tasks)

Encodings File Syntax

Word Order Requirements

Classification Name Syntax

Keywords for Classifications

Default and Inverse Words

Compartment Words

Hierarchical Compartment Words

Managing Label Encodings (Task Map)

How to Create a label_encodings File

How to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File

How to Distribute the label_encodings File

How to Add or Rename a Classification

How to Specify Default and Inverse Words

How to Create a Single-Label Encodings File

How to Add Sun Extensions to an Encodings File

How to Debug a label_encodings File

4.  Labeling Printer Output (Tasks)


6.  Example: Planning an Organization's Labels

A.  Sample Label Encodings File


Chapter 3

Making a Label Encodings File (Tasks)

This chapter describes creating and modifying a label_encodings file.