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Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning
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Part I Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade

1.  Where to Find Solaris Installation Planning Information

2.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Overview)

3.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Planning)

4.  Using Solaris Live Upgrade to Create a Boot Environment (Tasks)

5.  Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade (Tasks)

Task Map: Upgrading a Boot Environment

Upgrading a Boot Environment

Guidelines for Upgrading

Upgrading a System With Packages or Patches

To Upgrade a Network Installation Image on a Boot Environment

To Upgrade a Network Installation Image From Multiple CDs

To Add Packages to a Network Installation Image on a Boot Environment

To Add Patches to a Network Installation Image on a Boot Environment

To Obtain Information on Packages Installed on a Boot Environment

Upgrading by Using a JumpStart Profile

To Create a Profile to be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade

To Test a Profile to Be Used by Solaris Live Upgrade

To Upgrade With a Profile by Using Solaris Live Upgrade

Installing Solaris Flash Archives on a Boot Environment

To Install a Solaris Flash Archive on a Boot Environment

To Install a Solaris Flash Archive With a Profile

To Install a Solaris Flash Archive With a Profile Keyword

Activating a Boot Environment

Requirements and Limitations for Activating a Boot Environment

To Activate a Boot Environment

To Activate a Boot Environment and Synchronize Files

x86: Activating a Boot Environment With the GRUB Menu

x86: To Activate a Boot Environment With the GRUB Menu

6.  Failure Recovery: Falling Back to the Original Boot Environment (Tasks)

7.  Maintaining Solaris Live Upgrade Boot Environments (Tasks)

8.  Upgrading the Solaris OS on a System With Non-Global Zones Installed

9.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Examples)

10.  Solaris Live Upgrade (Command Reference)

Part II Upgrading and Migrating With Solaris Live Upgrade to a ZFS Root Pool

11.  Solaris Live Upgrade and ZFS (Overview)

12.  Solaris Live Upgrade for ZFS (Planning)

13.  Creating a Boot Environment for ZFS Root Pools

14.  Solaris Live Upgrade For ZFS With Non-Global Zones Installed

Part III Appendices

A.  Troubleshooting (Tasks)

B.  Additional SVR4 Packaging Requirements (Reference)

C.  Using the Patch Analyzer When Upgrading (Tasks)



Task Map: Upgrading a Boot Environment

Table 5-1 Task Map: Upgrading With Solaris Live Upgrade

For Instructions
Either upgrade a boot environment or install a Solaris Flash archive.
  • Upgrade the inactive boot environment with an OS image.
  • Install a Solaris Flash archive on an inactive boot environment.

Activate an inactive boot environment.
Makes changes effective and switches the inactive boot environment to active .
(optional) Switch back if a failure occurs when activating.
Reactivates to the original boot environment if a failure occurs.