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Oracle® Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E16102-06
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Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Replication

Table 13-29 contains a summary of the commands for Oracle ACFS replication.

You can use acfsutil help on all platforms to display help text. You run acfsutil version on all platforms to display the Oracle ACFS version.

Table 13-29 Summary of commands for Oracle ACFS replication

Command Description

acfsutil repl bg

Starts, stops, or displays information about the Oracle ACFS replication background processes.

acfsutil repl info

Displays information about replication processing on an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil repl init

Initiates replication on files in an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil repl pause

Pauses replication on an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil repl resume

Resumes replication on an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil repl sync

Synchronizes primary and standby file systems.

acfsutil repl terminate

Stops all replication activity on the Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil repl trace

Specifies the trace level for replication information.

acfsutil repl update

Updates replication information while replication is running.

acfsutil repl bg


Starts, stops, or displays information about the Oracle ACFS replication background processes.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl bg -h
acfsutil repl bg {start |stop|info} mount_point

acfsutil repl bg -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-30 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl bg command.

Table 13-30 Options for the acfsutil repl bg command

Option Description


Starts the replication background processing.


Stops the replication background processing


Displays information about the replication background processes.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

Oracle ACFS replication uses background processes to transport file system changes, to communicate between the sites hosting the primary and standby file systems, to monitor the state of replication processing, and to apply file system changes to the standby file system. These background processes must be running for replication to function.

When replication is started with the acfsutil repl init command, these background processes are started and are registered with Oracle Clusterware so that they are automatically restarted after a reboot or system crash. Usually it is not necessary to run the acfsutil repl bg command because Oracle Clusterware automatically starts and stops the background processes as file systems are mounted and unmounted or node membership changes after replication is initialized. However, replication cannot progress if one of the daemons is not running. In this case running repl bg stop followed by repl bg start ensures that all the daemons are running.

acfsutil bg start ensures that all the necessary daemons for replication are running. The daemons may run on different cluster nodes. acfsutil bg stop ensures that no daemons for the file system are running on the local node and relocates the daemons to another node if available.

You must have system administrator privileges to run the acfsutil repl bg start or acfsutil repl bg stop commands.You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run the acfsutil repl bg info command.


The following examples show the use of the acfsutil repl bg command.

Example 13-24 Using the acfsutil repl bg command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl bg start /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl bg stop /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl bg info /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl info


Displays information about replication processing on an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl info -h
acfsutil repl info -c [-v] mount_point
acfsutil repl info -s [-v][-l] [-n number{m|h|d|w|y}]
         [-r start_time[#stop_time]] [-f eventlog] mount_point
acfsutil repl info [-a|-e|-t] [-v][-l]
         [-r start_time[#stop_time]] [-f eventlog] mount_point

acfsutil repl info -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-31 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl info command.

Table 13-31 Options for the acfsutil repl info command

Option Description


Displays only apply records from the replication event log. An apply record contains the date and time that the set of file system changes were captured on the primary file system and the date and time that they were applied on the standby file system.


Displays configuration information.


Displays only error records from the replication event log.

-f eventlog

Specifies the path to the replication event log to be used as the source of the information. The default location is: mount_point/.ACFS/repl/logs/ReplicationEventsLog


Displays help text.


Displays last event only.

-n number{m|h|d|w|y}

Specifies the interval to display information. number specifies the number of minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), or years (y). For example: -n 5d

The statistics are summarized in the units of time specified.

-r start_time[#stop_time]

Specifies the start and stop time to display information. The format for the time period is yyyy-nn-ddThh:mm:ss.

yyyy - year
nn - month (01..12)
dd - day (01..31)
hh - hour (00..23)
mm - minute (00..59)
ss - second (00..59)

For example:

-r 2010-05-05T08:30:00#2010-05-05T15:30:00


Displays statistical information. This option is valid only when run on the primary file system. It is important that the primary and standby nodes are running a network time service to ensure that the statistics are meaningful.


Displays only transport records from the replication event log.


Displays verbose output.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

To display information about replication configuration, use acfsutil repl info with the -c option. To display information about replication statistics, use acfsutil repl info with the -s option. To display information about replication events, use acfsutil repl info with the -a, -e, or -t options.

You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run this command.


The following examples show the use of the acfsutil repl info command.

Example 13-25 Using the acfsutil repl info command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -c /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -s -n d5 /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl info -a -v /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl init


Initiates replication on all the files in an Oracle ACFS file system or only those files with a specified list of tags.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl init -h

acfsutil repl init primary -s standby_connect_string [tagname...]
     [-m standby_mount_point] [-c primary_service]
     [-d trace_level] [-z {on|off}] mount_point

acfsutil repl init standby -p primary_connect_string [tagname...]
     [-c standby_service] [-d trace_level] [-z {on|off}] mount_point

acfsutil repl init -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-32 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl init command.

Table 13-32 Options for the acfsutil repl init command

Option Description


Specifies replication of the primary file system.


Specifies replication of the standby file system.

-s standby_conncect_string

Specifies the connection string for the site hosting the standby file system. The user in the connection string must have SYSASM and SYSDBA privileges.

-p primary_conncect_string

Specifies the connection string for the site hosting the primary file system. The user in the connection string must have SYSASM and SYSDBA privileges.


Specifies the tag names of the files to be replicated.

-m standby_mount_point

Specifies the directory where the standby file system is mounted if it is different than the primary file system. This is valid only for the primary file system initialization.

-c primary_service

Specifies the service name for the primary file system. Required if the primary file system is using a different service name than the standby file system.

-c standby_service

Specifies the service name for the standby file system. Required if the standby file system is using a different service name than the primary file system.

-d trace_level

Specifies the trace level setting (0..6) for replication logs.

-z on|off

Turn on or off compression on replication logs. Compression is off by default.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted. For repl init primary, mount_point specifies the primary file system. For repl init standby, mount_point specifies the standby file system.

When the acfsutil repl init primary command completes successfully, processing begins to replicate initial copies of all specified files to the standby file system. In addition, any changes to these files and any new files subsequently created in the file system on the primary file system are captured and transported to the standby file system. However, successful completion of the command does not indicate that the specified files have been copied in full to the standby file system. To monitor the progress of the initial replication of all specified files to the standby file system, users run the acfsutil repl info -c command.

The first phase of the initial replication copy process begins with a complete copy of the file system directory tree structure, not the files within the directory tree, to the standby file system. During this time, attempts to rename directories may fail. After the directory tree structure has been successfully copied to the standby file system, replication initialization begins the second phase of the initial copy process: copying all files to be replicated to the standby file system. While a file is being copied to the standby file system during this initial replication phase, writes and truncates to that file are blocked.

Symbolic link files are replicated as is. If the symbolic link resolves to an absolute path name, and that path name does not exist on the standby file system, then referencing the symbolic link results in errors.

A new service name must be created for replication. You cannot use the +ASM service name.

A file system being replicated can only be mounted on one path for the primary or standby file system. Otherwise, dismounting any one of the paths on a node where it is mounted on multiple paths stops the replication background threads.

A replicated Oracle ACFS file system must be mounted on the same directory within a cluster. The file system does not have to be mounted on all of the nodes in a cluster, but if it is mounted, it must be mounted on the directory specified with the acfsutil repl init command. In addition, no other file system can be mounted on that directory on other nodes.

A single Oracle ACFS file system cannot be configured both as a primary and a standby file system. If replication is configured on the same host or within the same cluster, then the primary and standby file systems cannot use the same named mount point.

The sites hosting the primary and standby file systems must be running the same operating system and must have the same machine architecture.

Oracle wallets can also be used to manage security credentials.

See Also:

You must have system administrator privileges to run this command.


The following examples show the use of the acfsutil repl init command.

Example 13-26 Using the acfsutil repl init command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl init primary 
     -s standby_admin/standby_passwd@standby_repl_site
     -m /standby/repl_data -c primary_repl_service 

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl init standby 
    -p primary_admin/primary_passwd@primary_repl_site
    -c standby_repl_service /standby/repl_data

acfsutil repl pause


Pauses replication on an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl pause -h
acfsutil repl pause mount_point

acfsutil repl pause -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-33 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl pause command.

Table 13-33 Options for the acfsutil repl pause command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil repl pause command temporarily stops the replication process until the acfsutil repl resume command is run. The command can be run at either the site hosting the primary or a standby file system. acfsutil repl resume should be run soon after acfsutil repl pause to resume replication.

The acfsutil repl pause command can be used to temporarily stop the transportation of replication logs from the primary file system to the standby file system, but logs continue to be generated on the primary file system. Note that logs are not deleted until they are transported to the standby file system and applied to the standby file system.

The acfsutil repl pause command can also be used to temporarily stop the application of replication logs to a standby file system, but the command does not stop the transportation of logs to the standby file system. Note that logs are not deleted from the standby file system until they are applied to the file system.

When replication is paused on either the site hosting the primary or standby file system, replication logs still accumulate on the standby and primary file system. These logs can consume all available storage space in the file system so you must check available storage on the sites hosting the file systems if you have paused replication. Ensure that you run acfsutil repl resume before the accumulated replication logs consume all available space in the file system.

You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl pause command.

Example 13-27 Using the acfsutil repl pause command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl pause /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl resume


Resumes replication on an Oracle ACFS file system where replication has been paused.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl resume -h
acfsutil repl resume mount_point

acfsutil repl resume -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-34 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl resume command.

Table 13-34 Options for the acfsutil repl resume command

Option Description


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

This command resumes the replication process after the acfsutil repl pause command has been run. This command should be run soon after replication has been paused with the acfsutil repl pause command.

You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl resume command.

Example 13-28 Using the acfsutil repl resume command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl resume /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl sync


Synchronizes primary and standby file systems.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl sync -h
acfsutil repl sync [apply] mount_point

acfsutil repl sync -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-35 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl sync command.

Table 13-35 Options for the acfsutil repl sync command

Option Description


Specifies that all changes be applied to the standby file system.


Specifies the directory where the primary file system is mounted.

The acfsutil repl sync command can be used to synchronize the state of the primary and standby file system. This command can only be run on the site hosting the primary file system.

You should first quiesce your applications and run a sync(1) call so that the synchronized state is known and meaningful to you. The acfsutil repl sync command then causes all outstanding replication data to be shipped from the primary to the standby file system.

The acfsutil repl sync command returns success when this transfer is complete or, if the apply parameter is supplied, when all of these changes have been successfully applied to the standby file system. At this point, unless an unmount of the last node on the primary site cluster is about to occur, applications can be restarted. acfsutil repl sync can be used before dismounting the file system on the last node to ensure that all modifications have been sent to the standby file system.

If acfsutil repl info -c reports the primary file system is in the Initializing state, the acfsutil repl sync command does not guarantee that all files to be replicated in the file system have been sent to the standby file system. Files that existed in the file system before running the acfsutil repl init command are sent to the standby file system in the background.

You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl sync command.

Example 13-29 Using the acfsutil repl sync command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl sync /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl terminate


Stops all replication activity on the Oracle ACFS file system at the site where it is run.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl terminate -h
acfsutil repl terminate primary mount_point
acfsutil repl terminate standby [immediate] mount_point

acfsutil repl terminate -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-36 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl terminate command.

Table 13-36 Options for the acfsutil repl terminate command

Option Description


Stops replication on the primary file system.


Stops replication on the standby file system.


Stops replication processing immediately on the standby file system.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil repl terminate command stops all replication processing. When terminating replication, you should terminate replication for the primary file system first, and then the standby file system. If you want to ensure all changes are sent to the standby file system before terminating the primary site, ensure that all applications are quiesced and run the acfsutil repl sync command. The terminate command must be run on both sites if both sites hosting the file systems are available.

After acfsutil repl terminate standby has been run, you can use the standby file system in read-write mode. After acfsutil repl terminate has been run on either the primary file system or standby file system, you must start replication from the beginning with the acfsutil repl init command.

The repl terminate standby command waits until replication data at the standby file system has been applied. If you want to terminate replication immediately without applying all the replication data, use the immediate option. However, this option can leave some files at the standby file system in an indeterminate state.

To momentarily stop Oracle ACFS replication, you can use the acfsutil repl pause command, followed soon after by the acfsutil repl resume command.

You must have system administrator privileges to run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl terminate command.

Example 13-30 Using the acfsutil repl terminate command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl terminate /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl trace


Sets the replication trace level for gathering trace information on an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl trace -h
acfsutil repl trace level mount_point

acfsutil repl trace -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-38 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl trace command.

Table 13-37 Options for the acfsutil repl trace command

Option Description


Specifies the trace level setting (0..6). The default level is 2.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

Increasing the trace level can have a performance impact and should be done at the recommendation of Oracle support services.

Trace files for Oracle ACFS replication are stored in the following locations:


You must have system administrator or Oracle ASM administrator privileges to run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl trace command.

Example 13-31 Using the acfsutil repl trace command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl trace 5 /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs

acfsutil repl update


Updates replication information while replication is running on an Oracle ACFS file system.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil repl update -h
acfsutil repl update
     {-p primary_connect_string |-s standby_connect_string}
     [-z {on|off}] mount_point

acfsutil repl update -h displays help text and exits.

Table 13-38 contains the options available with the acfsutil repl update command.

Table 13-38 Options for the acfsutil repl update command

Option Description

-p primary_connect_string

Specifies the connection string for the primary file system. The user in the connection string must have SYSASM and SYSDBA privileges.

-s standby_connect_string

Specifies the connection string for the standby file system. The user in the connection string must have SYSASM and SYSDBA privileges.

-z on|off

Turn on or off compression on replication logs. Compression is off by default.


Specifies the directory where the file system is mounted.

The acfsutil repl update command updates replication information after replication has been started. This command can only be run on the site hosting the primary file system. The connection strings for the primary and standby file systems can be altered.

While replication is running, compression can be turned on or off with the -z option.

You must have system administrator privileges to run this command.


The following example shows the use of the acfsutil repl update command.

Example 13-32 Using the acfsutil repl update command

$ /sbin/acfsutil repl update -s /u01/app/acfsmounts/myacfs