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Oracle® Real Application Clusters Installation Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows x64 (64-Bit)

Part Number E18069-03
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8 Removing Oracle Real Application Clusters Software

This chapter describes how to completely remove all Oracle databases, instances, and software from an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) Oracle home directory.

This chapter contains the following topics:

See Also:

The product-specific documentation, for example Oracle Database Client Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows, if you want to remove a single product to ensure that you are aware of requirements and restrictions that apply for that product

8.1 Overview of Deinstallation Tools Actions

The Deinstallation tool removes Oracle RAC or standalone Oracle Database installations from your server. It can also remove the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation, which consists of Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM). The Deinstallation tool performs the follows actions when removing software from an Oracle home directory:


  • You cannot remove, uninstall, or deinstall the Oracle Database Vault option. However, you can disable it. See Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • You can remove Oracle Configuration Manager. See Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide for more information.

  • Starting with Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2), you cannot remove, uninstall, or deinstall Oracle ASM separately from Oracle Clusterware or install it in a location outside of the Grid home.


If any cluster member node has more than one database with the same global database name (GDN) on a server, then you cannot use the Deinstallation tool to remove one database only. For example, if you have a standalone database on one of your cluster nodes with the GDN, and your Oracle RAC database GDN is also, then both databases on that node are removed.

8.2 Identifying All Instances On a Cluster

To identify all instances and services associated with the Oracle home that you want to remove, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to a cluster node as a user with Administrator privileges.

  2. Locate the Oracle services related to the Oracle home.

    Use the Windows Services Control Manager to manage the services. Look for any Oracle services (their names begin with Ora) that access the Oracle home you are removing and have the status Started.

    To determine which Oracle home a service is associated with, on Windows 2003, check "Path to Executable" for a service to see the directory where the executable for the service is located.

8.3 Deinstalling Oracle RAC Software

The Deinstallation tool removes Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM from your server, as well as Oracle Database installations, for both Oracle RAC and single-instance databases. The topics describe the Deinstallation tool, and provide information about additional options you can use:

8.3.1 About the Deinstallation Tool

The Deinstallation tool (deinstall.bat) is available in the installation media before installation, and is available in Oracle home directories after installation in the directory %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall. The Deinstallation tool is also available for download from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) ( You can download it with the complete Oracle Database 11g release 2 software, or as a separate archive file.

The deinstall.bat command uses the information you provide, plus information gathered from the software home to create a parameter file. You can alternatively supply a parameter file generated previously by the deinstall.bat command using the -checkonly and -o flags. You can also edit a response file template to create a parameter file.

The Deinstallation tool stops Oracle services, instances, and processes, and removes Oracle software and configuration files on the operating system for a specific Oracle home. At the end of the deinstallation process, you are prompted to run the script as a user that is a member of the Administrators group.


When you run the deinstall command, if the central inventory contains no other registered homes besides the home that you are deconfiguring and removing, then the Deinstallation tool removes the following files and directory contents in the Oracle base directory of the Oracle RAC installation owner:
  • admin

  • cfgtoollogs

  • checkpoints

  • diag

  • oradata

  • flash_recovery

Oracle strongly recommends that you configure your installations using an Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) configuration, and that you reserve Oracle base and Oracle home paths for exclusive use of Oracle software. If you have any user data in these locations in the Oracle base that is owned by the user account that owns the Oracle software, then the deinstall command deletes this data.

The deinstall.bat command uses the following syntax, where variable content is indicated by italics:

deinstall -home complete path of Oracle home [-silent] [-checkonly] [-local]
[-paramfile complete path of input parameter property file] [-params name1=value
name2=value . . .] [-o complete path of directory for saving files] [-help | -h]

The default method for running the Deinstallation tool is from the deinstall directory in the Oracle home. For example:

C:\> cd %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall
C:\..\dbhome_1\> deinstall.bat

In addition, you can run the Deinstallation tool from other locations, or with a parameter file, or select any of the following options when using Deinstallation tool:

  • -home

    Use this flag to indicate the home path of the Oracle home to check or deinstall. To deinstall Oracle software using the deinstall.bat command located within the Oracle home being removed, provide a parameter file in a location outside the Oracle home, and do not use the -home flag.

    If you run deinstall.bat from the %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall path, then the -home flag is not required because the tool knows from which home it is being run. If you use the standalone version of the tool, then the -home flag is mandatory

  • -silent

    Use this flag to run the command in noninteractive mode. This option requires one of the following:

    • A working system that the Deinstallation tool can access to determine the installation properties

    • A properties file that contains the configuration values for the Oracle home that is being deinstalled or deconfigured

    To create a properties file, modify the template file deinstall.rsp.tmpl, located in the response folder of the Deinstallation tool home or the Oracle home.

    If you have a working system, you can generate a properties file to use or modify by running the deinstall.bat command with the -checkonly flag. The deinstall.bat command then discovers information from the Oracle home to deinstall and deconfigure. It generates the properties file, which you can then use with the -silent option.

  • -checkonly

    Use this flag to check the status of the Oracle software home configuration. Running the command with the checkonly flag does not remove the Oracle configuration. The checkonly flag generates a properties file that you can use with the deinstall.bat command.

    When you run checkonly to generate a properties file, you are prompted to provide information about your system. You can accept the default value the Deinstallation tool has obtained from your Oracle installation, indicated inside brackets ([]), or you can provide different values. To accept the defaults, click Enter at each prompt.

  • -local

    Use this flag in a multinode environment to deconfigure Oracle software in a cluster.

    When you run the deinstall.bat command with this flag, it deconfigures and deinstalls the Oracle software on the local node (the node on which you run the deinstall.bat command). On remote nodes, it deconfigures Oracle software, but does not deinstall the Oracle software.

  • -paramfile complete path of input parameter property file

    This is an optional flag. Use this flag to run the deinstall.bat command with a parameter file in a location other than the default. When you use this flag, provide the complete path where the parameter file is located. If you are running the deinstall.bat command from the Oracle home that you plan to deinstall, then you do not need to use the -paramfile option.

    The default location of the parameter file depends on the location of the deinstall.bat command you use:

    Location of deinstall.bat Default Location of the Parameter File
    In the installation media or stage location: X:\staging_location\deinstall\response
    From an unzipped archive file downloaded from OTN X:\ziplocation\deinstall\response

    where X:\ziplocation refers to the directory into which the downloaded archive file was extracted

    After installation, in the installed Oracle home %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall\response

  • -params [name1=value name2=value name3=value . . .]

    Use this flag with a parameter file to override one or more values in a parameter file that you created.

  • -o complete path of directory for saving response files

    Use this flag to provide a path other than the default location where the properties file (deinstall_Oracle_home_name.rsp) is saved.

    The default location of the properties file depends on the location of the Deinstallation tool:

    Location of deinstall.bat Default Location of the Properties File
    In the installation media or stage location: X:\staging_location\deinstall\response
    From an unzipped archive file downloaded from OTN X:\ziplocation\deinstall\response

    where X:\ziplocation refers to the directory into which the downloaded archive file was extracted

    After installation, in the installed Oracle home %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall\response

  • -help

    Use this flag (-help or -h) to obtain additional information about the command options and flags.

If you use the deinstall.bat command located in an Oracle home, or the deinstall.bat command downloaded from OTN (not installed in an Oracle home), then the command writes log files in the C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs directory. If, however, you are using the deinstall.bat command to remove the last Oracle home installed on the server, then the log files are written to:

  • %TEMP%\OraDeinstall<timestamp>\logs if you use the deinstall.bat command located in the Oracle home

  • X:\ziplocation\deinstall\logs if you use the deinstall.bat command downloaded from OTN

8.3.2 Using the Deinstallation Tool for Oracle RAC

If you use the separately downloaded version of the Deinstallation tool, then when the deinstall.bat command runs, you are prompted to provide the home directory of the Oracle software to remove from your system. Provide additional information as prompted.

If you run the deinstall.bat command outside of the %ORACLE_HOME%\deinstall folder, then help output is displayed, unless you use the -home flag and provide a path to the Oracle home.

If you run the deinstall.bat command from the %ORACLE_HOME%/deinstall folder, then deinstallation starts without prompting you for a home address.

Example 8-1 Running the Deinstallation Tool Installed in an Oracle Home

To run the deinstall.bat command located in an Oracle Database home in the path C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1, enter the following command while logged in as a member of the Administrator group:

C:\> cd app\oracle\product
C:\app\oracle\product> 11.2.0\dbhome_1\deinstall\deinstall.bat

To completely remove the Oracle Database installation, you must run the deinstall.bat command from a prompt that is located outside of the Oracle home. If you run the deinstall.bat command after changing into the Oracle_home\deinstall directory, then the Deinstallation tool will not be able to remove all the Oracle software files and directories.

Example 8-2 Running the Standalone Version of the Deinstallation Tool

Assume you have installed the Deinstallation tool in the path C:\app\oracle\product\deinstall. Use the deinstall.bat command in this directory to deinstall an Oracle Database home using a parameter file. In this example, the parameter file is located in the user directory C:\user\oracle:

C:\> cd app\oracle\product\deinstall
C:\..deinstall> deinstall.bat -home C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1
-paramfile C:\user\oracle\my_db_paramfile.tmpl

8.3.3 Example of a Deinstallation Parameter File for Oracle RAC

You can run the deinstall command with the -paramfile option to use the values you specified in a parameter file instead of responding to individual prompts.

Example 8-3 Sample Parameter File to use with the Deinstallation Tool to Uninstall Oracle RAC

The following is an example of a parameter file created by the Deinstallation tool. The parameter file contains the following information:

  • The Oracle Database binary owner is oracle

  • The Oracle Database home (Oracle home) is in the path C:\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1

  • The Oracle base (where other Oracle software is installed) is C:\app\oracle

  • The Grid home is C:\app\11.2.0\grid

  • The central Oracle Inventory home is C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory

  • The virtual IP address (VIP) is

  • The name of the local node (the node on which you run the Deinstallation tool) is node1

  • The name of the remote node is node2

  • The database name is orcl and it is an Oracle RAC database

  • The database uses Oracle ASM for storage

#Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
LOGDIR=C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\
INVENTORY_LOCATION=C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory