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Oracle® Healthcare Data Model Operations Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E18027-02
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2 Customizing the Oracle Healthcare Data Model

This chapter provides an overview of how you customize the Oracle Healthcare Data Model. It contains the following topics:

Overview: Customization Steps

Customizing the Oracle Healthcare Data Model involves the following tasks:

  1. Perform fit-gap analysis as described in "Performing Fit-Gap Analysis".

  2. In a development environment, install an Oracle Healthcare Data Model instance.

  3. Working in the copy you created in Step 2 and following the documentation you created when performing your fit-gap analysis, customize the Oracle Healthcare Data Model by making changes to its components. Document all of your changes. Make the changes in the following order:

    1. Logical model

    2. Logical to physical mappings

    3. Physical model. To determine which changes to make and the order in which to make these changes, determine dependences among objects by using the Metadata Browser.

    4. Intra-ETL. Keep in mind the issues discussed in Chapter 3, "Populating an Oracle Healthcare Data Model Warehouse".

  4. In a test environment, make a copy of your customized version of the Oracle Healthcare Data Model.

  5. In the test environment, following the documentation you created in Step 3, test the customized version of the Oracle Healthcare Data Model.

  6. Roll the final customized version of the Oracle Healthcare Data Model out into production.


Some logical and physical changes require specific changes to the Oracle Healthcare Data Model metadata. See "Modifying the Oracle Healthcare Data Model Metadata" for more information.

Performing Fit-Gap Analysis

Fit-gap analysis is where you compare your information needs and healthcare business requirements with the structure that is available "out of the box" with the Oracle Healthcare Data Model. You identify any required functionality that is not included in the default schema, as well as other modifications that are necessary to meet your requirements.

The fit-gap analysis results in a customization report that provides a brief explanation of the adaptations and adjustments that will be required to customize the Oracle Healthcare Data Model to fit your healthcare organization requirements.


Fit-gap analysis is a major undertaking, and normally requires a team performing multiple evaluations.

To perform the actual fit-gap analysis, take the following steps:

  1. If previous evaluations have been performed, review the documentation from the previous phases, and if necessary add team members with the needed business and technical expertise.

  2. Meet to review the data and map it into the Oracle Healthcare Data Model's schema. In other words, perform a comprehensive analysis of all of the source data in your OLTP systems and then compare your business with the Oracle Healthcare Data Model logical model to see how it maps to the Oracle Healthcare Data Model base and derived layer.

  3. Produce a list of what people are going to try to do with the system (examples rather than models), and create use cases for appraising the functionality of Oracle Healthcare Data Model.

    Procedures are written based on the use cases. Keep in mind that deviations from the procedure can be useful, provided that functionality is not skipped.

  4. Map your business procedures against the Oracle Healthcare Data Model functions, noting which processes are not available in Oracle Healthcare Data Model, or work differently in it. Be sure to check security requirements.

  5. Determine the differences between your needs and the Oracle Healthcare Data Model's schema. Answer the following questions:

    • Which differences can you live with, and which must be reconciled?

    • What can you do about the differences you can't live with?

  6. Based on the preceding steps, update the business process models, activity flow diagrams, entity object model, and object life cycle models to reflect the customized system.

  7. Write the customization report, detailing what changes will be required to make the Oracle Healthcare Data Model's schema match your business needs. This includes any interfaces to existing systems, and additions and changes to the Oracle Healthcare Data Model.

  8. Based on the customization report, update the Project Plan, and complete a phase section for the Logical Design phase.

Discovering the Oracle Healthcare Data Model Metadata

To customize the Oracle Healthcare Data Model model, you need to understand the dependency between each Oracle Healthcare Data Model component -- especially how the report KPIs are mapped to the physical tables and columns.

The Oracle Healthcare Data Model provides a tool called "Metadata Browser" that helps you discover the dependencies between Oracle Healthcare Data Model components, including how report KPIs are mapped to the physical tables and columns . The metadata browser is delivered as one Dashboard in Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition.

There are four tabs in the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition Dashboard that is the Oracle Healthcare Data Model Metadata Browser:

Measure-Entity tab

On the Measure-Entity tab of the Metadata Browser, you can see the business area, measure name, measure description, responsible entity, and responsible attribute.

To browse the data, select the KPI that you are interested in.

Entity-Measure tab

Using the Entity-Measure tab of the Metadata Browser, you can discover the mappings between entities, attributes, supported measures, and calculations of the measures. You can discover information about particular entities and attributes.

For example, take the following steps to learn more about Encounter:

  1. Select the Encounter entity.

  2. Click GO.

Program-Table tab

Using the Program-Table tab of the Metadata Browser, you can browse for information on the intra-ETL mappings and report information. Take the following steps:

  1. Select prompt program type (that is, Intra-ETL or report) and program name for sowing particular report or intra_ETL information.

  2. Select GO.

For example, if you select a program type of Report for program named Acute MI Patients Median Fibrinolytic Agent Administration Time, that report is displayed.

Table-Program tab

By default, when you go to the Table-Program tab of the Metadata Browser, you see all tables used for all the reports.To discover what reports use a particular table, you must move a particular table from the right pane to the left (Selected) pane.

For example, to see the reports that use the DWD_ENC_CASE table, take the following steps:

  1. In the right pane of the Table-Program tab, select DWD_ENC_CASE.

  2. Move it to the Selected list on the left by clicking on <, and click OK.

  3. Select GO and the reports for DWD_ENC_CASE table are displayed.

Modifying the Oracle Healthcare Data Model Metadata

Changes to the logical and physical model require changes to the metadata. You make these changes by modifying various Oracle Healthcare Data Model tables. See Table 2-1, to identify what changes impact what table.

See also:

Discussion of the Metatdata Editor in Oracle Healthcare Data Model Reference.

Table 2-1 Tables to Update to Modify Metadata

Change Table to Update Example

Modify or add any entities or attributes and physical tables or columns mapped with those entities and attributes


Example 2-1, "Updating the DWR_MO_ENTY Table"

Modify any KPI


Example 2-2, "Modifying the DWR_MD_KPI Table"

Modify the mapping between a KPI and a physical table


Example 2-3, "Modifying the DWD_MD_REF_ENTY_KPI Table"

Modify an Intra-ETL mining programs


Example 2-4, "Modifying the DWR_MD_PRG Table"

Example 2-1 Updating the DWR_MO_ENTY Table

Assume that you added a new entity named "ENT_NEW" with a new attribute named "ATTR_NEW", and the corresponding table and column name is "HDM_ENT_NEW" and "HDM_ATTR_NEW". Issue the following SQL statement to modify the DWR_MD_ENTY table.


Example 2-2 Modifying the DWR_MD_KPI Table

Assume that you modified an existing KPI, and changed its name from "Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetic Foot and Ankle Care, Peripheral Neuropathy Neurological Evaluation" to "TEST KPI". Issue the following SQL statement to modify the DWR_MD_KPI table.

Update DWR_MD_KPI set KPI_NAME='TEST KPI' where KPI_ID=10

Example 2-3 Modifying the DWD_MD_REF_ENTY_KPI Table

Assume that you are now getting data from different table and column than originally designed (for example, "HDM_ENT_NEW" and "HDM_ATTR_NEW" for KPI 13). Issue the following SQL statement.

Insert into DWD_MD_REF_ENTY_KPI (KPI_NAME,PHY_AREA,BSNS_AREA,PHY_TAB_NAME,PHY_COL_NAME,KPI_ID) values ('Pediatric End Stage Renal Disease : Influenza Immunization','OHDM','CP','HDM_ENT_NEW','HDM_ATTR_NEW',13);

Example 2-4 Modifying the DWR_MD_PRG Table

Assume that you added one more data source(HDM_ENT_NEW) for DWD_ENC_CASE data population. Issue the following SQL statement.

Insert into DWR_MD_PRG (PRG_TYP,PRG_NAME,PHY_TAB_NAME,SB_PRG_TYP,PRG_MODEL_OR_PATH,SB_PRG_DESC) values ('Intra-ETL Mapping','DWD_ENC_CASE','HDM_ENT_NEW','PL/SQL Package','I','This program loads information about encounter - case relationship');