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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Installation Guide
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1.  Installing GlassFish Server 3.1

Installation Requirements

Javassist Library License Notice

Installation Files for GlassFish Server 3.1

GlassFish Server Download Locations

GlassFish Server Installation Methods

Choosing an Installation Method

ZIP Package or Self-Extracting Bundle?

Full Platform or Web Profile Distribution?

GlassFish Server ZIP Files

GlassFish Server Self-Extracting Bundles

HTTP Load Balancer Plug-in for Oracle GlassFish Server

Installing GlassFish Server From a ZIP File

To Install GlassFish Server Using the ZIP File

Installing GlassFish Server From a Self-Extracting Bundle

To Install GlassFish Server Using the Self-Extracting File

To Perform a Custom Installation

Custom Configuration Parameters

Parameters for the Create a server domain Option

Parameters for the Create a standalone server instance Option

Parameters for the Create a clustered server instance Option

Performing a Silent Mode Installation

Creating the Installation Answer File

To Create the Installation Answer File

Reviewing the Installation Answer File

To Edit the Answer File

Installing in Silent Mode

To Install Using Silent Mode

Installation Command-Line Options

2.  Uninstalling GlassFish Server 3.1


Performing a Silent Mode Installation

This section describes how to install Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 using silent mode installation. Silent mode is a non-interactive installation based on user-defined parameters captured in an answer file. The answer file can be used later to install GlassFish Server on one or more systems.

Note - It is only possible to perform a silent installation using the Typical Installation path described in To Install GlassFish Server Using the Self-Extracting File. It is not possible to perform a silent installation using the more complex Custom Installation path described in To Perform a Custom Installation.

The following topics are addressed here:

Creating the Installation Answer File

The answer file forms the template for silent installation. The file is created when you use the dry-run (-n) option to start an interactive installation. In dry-run mode, actual installation does not take place.

During the interactive installation you can accept the default values presented or you can change them. Your input is collected and stored in the answer file, which is then used to install GlassFish Server. You can use the answer file as it is or you can modify the file before using it.

To Create the Installation Answer File

The installation wizard is used to create the answer file. Actual installation does not take place.

Before You Begin

  1. Download the desired GlassFish Server 3.1 bundle.

    See GlassFish Server Download Locations for a list of download locations. See Table 1-4 for a list of available self-extracting bundles.

  2. Change to the directory where you downloaded the self-extracting file.
  3. Start the installer in dry-run mode.
    • Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X systems:
      1. If necessary, grant execute permissions to the self–extracting file:
        chmod +x ./self-extracting-file-name

        self-extracting-file-name is the name of the self-extracting file that you downloaded.

      2. At the command prompt, type:
        self-extracting-file-name -n answer-file

        answer-file is the name of the answer file you want to generate. If you do not include a path to the answer file, the file is created under the directory from which the installation program is run.

        For example, start the installer in dry-run mode by typing the following: -n 31-answer

        See Installation Command-Line Options for a list of command-line options you can specify here, if desired.

    • Windows systems:
      1. Open a Windows Command Prompt shell with Administrative privileges.
      2. At the command prompt, type:
        self-extracting-file-name -n answer-file

        answer-file is the name of the answer file you want to generate. If you do not include a path to the answer file, the file is created under the directory from which the installation program is run.

        For example, start the installer in dry-run mode by typing the following:

        ogs-3.1-windows.exe -n 31-answer

        See Installation Command-Line Options for a list of command-line options you can specify here, if desired.

    Note -

    • Additional setup options are available. See Installation Command-Line Options.

    • If you are installing on a 64–bit Windows system, run the installer with the -j option pointing to a 64–bit JDK.

    • Depending on your user privileges and the version of Windows you are running, it may be necessary to run the installer as Administrator. In particular, if you will be configuring the domain as a Service as part of a Custom Installation (see next step) or after the installation, then you should run the installer as Administrator.

    After starting the installer, the Introduction page is displayed. Use the Next button to move through the installation process.

  4. Choose Typical Installation in the Installation Type screen.

    It is not possible to use the Custom Installation path when generating an answer file for silent-mode installation.

  5. Specify where to install GlassFish Server.

    The default installation directories are as follows:

    • Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X systems
    • Windows systems

    Make sure the directory you specify is empty before installing the product.

    The default installation directory is referred to as as-install-parent throughout the GlassFish Server documentation.

  6. Specify whether to install and enable Update Tool.

    Update Tool is an administrative tool that enables you to install updates and add-on components to an existing GlassFish Server 3.1 installation. Update Tool can be installed during GlassFish Server installation or at a later time. For more information about Update Tool, see Update Tool in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Administration Guide.

    • If you are not installing Update Tool, deselect the Install Update Tool check box.

    • If you are installing Update Tool and your system accesses the Internet through a proxy, specify the proxy host and proxy port.

    • If you are installing Update Tool and do not require the automatic notifications of available updates after installation, deselect the Enable Update Tool check box.

    Note - Update Tool differs from Upgrade Tool, which is used to migrate the configuration and deployed applications from an earlier version of GlassFish Server to the current version. For more information about Upgrade Tool, see the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Upgrade Guide.

  7. Review the Ready To Install selections and click Install to proceed with the installation.

    A progress bar is displayed as the answer file is created and an empty as-install-parent directory is created.

    Tip - The configuration results panel presents the recently executed command in the center section and this is a selectable text. The text can be copied on to a script for future automated runs of such commands.

  8. Review the summary page and click Exit to exit the installer.

    Installation information is captured in log files. The names of the files are timestamp-install.log and timestamp-install-summary.html. On Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X systems, these files are generated by default in the /tmp directory. On Windows systems, these files are generated in the %TEMP% directory.

  9. Proceed to the instructions in Reviewing the Installation Answer File.

Reviewing the Installation Answer File

The answer file generated using the procedure described in Creating the Installation Answer File provides a number of system-specific parameters as well as parameters that you selected during dry-run mode installation. Values for some parameters can be edited as described in To Edit the Answer File.

The following example shows the contents of an answer file that was created during a dry-run mode installation. All default values were accepted during the installation.

Note - The following example contains a complete answer file, where most of the parameters are not used in GlassFish Server 3.1. For an answer file template that contains only the elements required to perform a typical installation, see the Example 1-2.

Example 1-1 Example Answer File

#openInstaller Dry Run Answer File.  This File can be used as input to the 
openInstaller engine using the -a option.
#Sun Jan 16 16:56:14 EST 2011

Example 1-2 Answer File Template for GlassFish Server 3.1

#openInstaller Dry Run Answer File. This File can be used as input to the 
openInstaller engine using the -a option.

To Edit the Answer File

Some values in the answer file can be changed if desired. Such editing is strictly optional.

Before You Begin

Create the answer file as described in To Create the Installation Answer File.

  1. Review the answer file.

    Review the values that will be used for silent installation.

  2. Edit the answer file.

    Only the following default values can be changed:

    Provide another directory name for GlassFish Server 3.1 installation files.


    Provide a password for access to the Administration Console. This password is case sensitive.


    Provide the password confirmation for Administration Console. Make sure that this matches the value for Domain.Configuration.ADMIN_PASSWORD.


    Assign another port number to the Administration Console.


    Provide another user name for the administrator. This name is case sensitive.


    Assign another port number to HTTP connections.


    Change value to false if you do not want Update Tool notifications.


    Change value to false if you do not want to install the standalone Update Tool.


    Assign a name to the proxy host.


    Assign a port number to the proxy host.

    Note - Parameters not listed are system specific. Do not change system-specific parameters. Doing so will cause problems with the installation program.

Installing in Silent Mode

The non-interactive installation program reads the specified answer file, checks for adequate disk space, and installs GlassFish Server based on the data in the answer file.

To Install Using Silent Mode

Before You Begin

  1. Navigate to the directory that contains the self-extracting installer file and the installation answer file.
  2. From the command line, type:
    self-extracting-file-name -a answer-file -s

    self-extracting-file-name is the name of the file that you downloaded during Creating the Installation Answer File.

    -a answer-file

    The name of the answer file that was generated according to the instructions in Creating the Installation Answer File. Ensure that you provide the complete path to the answer file.


    Runs the installer in silent mode.

    For example: -a 31-answer -s

    When the prompt is returned, the silent installation is complete and the installation components are installed on your system.

Next Steps

Familiarize yourself with the instructions in the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Quick Start Guide. The guide explains how to perform basic tasks such as starting the server, accessing the Administration Console, and deploying a sample application.