1. Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1-3.1.1 Release Notes
What's New in the GlassFish Server 3.1.1 Release?
Environment and Component Changes
Expanded Loadbalancer Plug-In Support of Web Servers
New asadmin Subcommands for Secure Admin
What's New in the GlassFish Server 3.1 Release?
GlassFish Server 3.1 Productivity Benefits
Flexible, Extensible, and Customizable
Enhancing Developer Productivity
Oracle GlassFish Server and Oracle Fusion Middleware
Extending Java EE 6 with Clustering
Hardware and Software Requirements
Supported Platforms, JDK Versions, Browsers, mod_jk, and JDBC Drivers and Databases
Message Queue Broker Requirements
Paths and Environment Settings for the JDK Software
Set the JAVA_HOME Environment Variable
Set Other Environment Variables As Necessary
Known Issues in GlassFish Server 3.1.1
restart-instance takes a long time on Solaris 11 (sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11) (15537)
Accept multiple certs for admin authentication (16437)
tcp-no-delay attribute in Http is not working (16902)
Invoking GF installer on AIX 6.1 with JDK6 64 bit gives Warning (16667)
(JDK) NLS: Crashed when tried to install the bundle in ko locale (16699)
PKG_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT is too small (16999)
Unable to set -server JVM options (16770)
cannot remote deploy large wars (15773)
Fail to install the bundle named with -jdk7 when unset JAVA_HOME in solaris 11 Express x86 (16698)
Non-persistent timers are incorrectly canceled in a clustered environment (17060)
asadmin timeout from HA short execution on AIX (16960)
Unable to restart Embedded GlassFish Server instance once a remote EJB is deployed (16916)
EJB Timer Service is not loaded correctly after Embedded GlassFish Server restart (16230)
Switching log levels persistently breaks logging service (17037)
Stopping Embedded GlassFish Server leaves several daemon threads running (11088)
Administration Guide on Patching in a Closed Network Incorrectly Lists 3.0.1 Patches (13422800)
Embedded EJB container returns null reference when META-INF/beans.xml is in the classpath (16285)
Known Issues in GlassFish Server 3.1
[JDK_Issue] Performance degradation caused by invoking setSoLinger or setReuseAddress (Issue 7109)
[JDK_Issue] IO exception: invalid argument during longevity test (Issue 7529)
File permissions on domain /applications directory can cause NullProcessException (Issue 6545)
[Open Installer] Option -l to relocate log files ignored on Windows (Issue 10693)
Issues occur with ZIP distribution if UAC enabled on Windows Vista (Issue 10755)
[Open Installer] Start menus not displayed and then empty on Windows Vista (Issue 5087)
Standalone Update Tool fails with segmentation fault on Solaris (Issue 11222)
Problems debugging JPA (Issue 11274)
Windows startup menu shows single entry on multiple installation of Glassfish 3.1 (7002744)
Critical JRockit Issues (7020176)
New Grizzly integration required for http://java.net/jira/browse/GRIZZLY-970 (15909)
ReleaseNotes: document Restart Required issues (Umbrella issue 16040)
[UB]org.osgi.framework.BundleException during shutdown after upgrade (15441)
Update coordinates failure with enable-security-admin (7017384)
Man page for list-supported-cipher-suites (15998)
lazy-init attribute missing from admin console Edit IIOP Listener page (15975)
RMIConnectorStarter constructs invalid URLs with a literal IPv6 address (15937)
man-page-review umbrella issue (15929)
[UB]Release note security permissions required for CDI applications (15456)
build 40 : list-jmsdest for cluster1 not working, it just hangs
Create Resource Adapter Config is throwing an exception if JMS is already started (15571)
Domain.xml: setting protocol.http-listener-1.http.max-connections set in 1 or -1 (16025)
[UB][regression] jpaRLCreateEMF failure on sybase (15763)
Admin Console: intermittent Blank Screen (15633)
Caching JMS session in a session bean causes errors when invoked by a MDB when under load (15558)
Domain fails to stop after console loaded (with secure admin enabled) (15482)
Modifying keyfile path in a newly created config does not properly list the users (15429)
[BigApps] [STRESS] ~17 occurences of "EOFException" warnings coming from JMS (15424)
Mysql ping fails when additional properties are not deleted (14547)
If TS resource had been changed, tables are not created after server restart (13873)
GlassFish/Grizzly not able to accept new request if a remote client hangs (6963818)
restore-domain from a config only backup will corrupt the domain directory (7026114)
JSF PhaseListener executed for each virtual host (15809)
could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory (16061)
NullPointerException when accessing OSGi web application (15985)
GlassFish installer needs to prompt user to set MQ admin password (12305750)
Known Issues in GlassFish Server 3.1 Fixed in 3.1.1
Win. Deployment with contextroot: Application [] contains no valid components (13774)
[UB]Accessing encoded URLS throws 403: Forbidden (15709)
Glassfish Installer does not update MQ config file (imqenv.conf) with values (15724)
Remote EJBs fail with ClassCastException in embeddable GlassFish (15775)
Column APPLICATIONID is missing from bundled SQL scripts for EJB timer table creation. (15986)
create-jvm-options subcommand options incorrectly parsed by asadmin (16037)
appclient in cygwin passing extra empty string (16044)
3.1 GlassFish installer takes longer to bootstrap Update Center than in 3.0.1 (16067)
On Windows the first time pkg.bat or updatetool.bat is run they may echo garbage (16094)
Admin GUI hangs on first access after installation on some Solaris Server Hardware. (16153)
asupgrade Fails Without Internet Connection (16159)
Application info page: status not shown correctly and virtual servers changes not saved (16048)
Log Viewer: details garbled after navigating to earlier records, exception in server.log (16029)
Firefox 4.0 does not work for the Admin Console Targeting dialogs (16385)
@DSD defined in EJBs bundled in a .war is not available for JPA during prepare() phase (15865)
Restrictions and Deprecated Functionality
HADB and hadbm Command Support
Deprecated, Unsupported, and Obsolete Options
No Support for Client VM on Windows AMD64
Metro Reliable Messaging in InOrder Delivery Mode
No Support for Kerberos on AIX
Update Center Client Limitations on AIX Platform
Persistence of EJB References in HTTP Sessions Not Supported for Coherence*Web
Features Available Only in the Full Platform Profile
How to Report Problems and Provide Feedback
Listed below are the titles and short descriptions of the books in the GlassFish Server documentation set.
Table 1-5 Books in the GlassFish Server Documentation Set