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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Administration Guide
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Document Information


Part I Introduction to Message Queue Administration

1.  Administrative Tasks and Tools

2.  Quick-Start Tutorial

Part II Administrative Tasks

3.  Starting Brokers and Clients

4.  Configuring a Broker

5.  Managing a Broker

6.  Configuring and Managing Connection Services

7.  Managing Message Delivery

8.  Configuring Persistence Services

9.  Configuring and Managing Security Services

10.  Configuring and Managing Broker Clusters

11.  Managing Administered Objects

12.  Configuring and Managing Bridge Services

13.  Monitoring Broker Operations

14.  Analyzing and Tuning a Message Service

15.  Troubleshooting

Part III Reference

16.  Command Line Reference

17.  Broker Properties Reference

Connection Properties

Routing and Delivery Properties

Persistence Properties

File-Based Persistence Properties

File-Based Persistence Properties for Transaction Logging

JDBC-Based Persistence Properties

Security Properties

Monitoring Properties

Cluster Configuration Properties

Bridge Properties

JMX Properties

Alphabetical List of Broker Properties

18.  Physical Destination Property Reference

19.  Administered Object Attribute Reference

20.  JMS Resource Adapter Property Reference

21.  Metrics Information Reference

22.  JES Monitoring Framework Reference

Part IV Appendixes

A.  Distribution-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data

B.  Stability of Message Queue Interfaces

C.  HTTP/HTTPS Support

D.  JMX Support

E.  Frequently Used Command Utility Commands


JMX Properties

The broker properties listed in Table 17-18 support the use of the Java Management Extensions (JMX) application programming interface by Java applications. The JMX API is used to configure and monitor broker resources.

These JMX-related properties can be set in the broker's instance configuration file ( or at broker startup with the -D option of the Broker utility (imqbrokerd). None of these properties can be set dynamically with the Command utility (imqcmd).

In addition, some of these properties (imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use, imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port) can be set with corresponding Broker utilityimqbrokerd options described in Table 16-1.

See Appendix D, JMX Support for further information on administrative support of JMX clients.

Table 17-18 Broker Properties for JMX Support

Default Value
Names of JMX connectors to be activated at broker startup, separated by commas
Shown in next column
urlpath component of JMX service URL for connector connectorName

Useful in cases where an RMI registry is being used and the JMX service URL path must be set explicitly (such as when a shared external RMI registry is used). See The JMX Service URL.


None: the port is dynamically allocated
Port number of JMX connector

Used to specify a static/known JMX connector port, typically in cases where a JMX client is accessing the broker's MBean server through a firewall. See JMX Connections Through a Firewall.

Use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for connector connectorName?

This property is set to true for the ssljmxrmi connector.

Trust any certificate presented by broker for connector connectorName?

Applies only when imq.jmx.connector.connectorName.useSSL is true.

If false, the JMX client runtime will validate all certificates presented to it. Validation will fail if the signer of the certificate is not in the client's trust store.

If true, validation of certificates is skipped. This can be useful, for instance, during software testing when a self-signed certificate is used.

Start RMI registry at broker startup?

If true, the broker will start an RMI registry at the port specified by imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port and use the regsitry to store the JMX connector stub. (The value of imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use is ignored in this case.)

For convenience, this property can also be set at broker startup with the -startRmiRegistry option ofimqbrokerd.

Use an existing RMI registry?

Applies only if imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start is false.

If true, the broker will use an existing RMI registry on the local host at the port specified by imq.jmx.rmiregistry.port to store the JMX connector stub. The existing RMI registry must already be running at broker startup.

For convenience, this property can also be set at broker startup with the -useRmiRegistry option ofimqbrokerd.

Port number of RMI registry

Applies only if imq.jmx.rmiregistry.start is true or imq.jmx.rmiregistry.use is true.

This port number will be included in the URL path of the JMX service URL.

For convenience, this property can also be set at broker startup with the -rmiRegistryPort option of imqbrokerd.