SunScreen SKIP User's Guide, Release 1.5.1

SKIP Certificates

SKIP certificates are the means by which a user distributes public key information. A SKIP certificate is a digital document that contains a user's Distinguished Name, the public key associated with that Distinguished Name, and the time interval for which the certificate is valid. You can distribute your public certificate to other users, who extract and use your public key to calculate a unique shared secret for encrypting communications between you. Users can distribute their certificates freely to other SKIP users on diskette, through a certificate server, or over a network.

Figure B-7 SKIP Certificate Contents


SKIP certificates can be signed or unsigned:

The decision whether to use a signed or unsigned certificate depends on the type of hosts with which you want to exchange encrypted traffic. In general, you must use a signed certificate to communicate securely with a host using a signed certificate, and you must use an unsigned certificate to communicate securely with a host using a UDH certificate. Both certificates must use keys of the same length and use the same values for key calculation.