SunScreen SKIP User's Guide, Release 1.5.1


-a [-t certtype] [-n nsid] [-c filename]

Adds certificates to SKIP certificate database. The certtype argument sets the type of the certificate to be added. Certificate types are X.509 and UDH (unsigned Diffie-Hellman). The nsid argument is a decimal number which corresponds to the namespace of the certificate. Common nsid values are 1 IPv4 and 8 (UDH). filename is the certificate file you wish to add to the database.

-e [-n nsid] [-k keyid]

Extracts a certificate to the standard output. The first certificate which matches nsid and keyid will be written. The extracted form is suitable for addition to a database using the skipdb -a command. This subcommand writes only one certificate to the standard output, even if there are multiple certificates which match the nsid, keyid pair.

-i [-qo]

Prior to being used, the certificate database must be initialized through the init subcommand. If the database exists, the -o option will delete the contents of the database. The -q option suppresses warning messages.

-l [-VvL] [-n nsid] [-k keyid]

Lists the certificates in the Certificate database. -V switches the output to a format more easily parsed by machines. -L lists expiration times along with the Name Space and Master KeyId. -v switches the output to a verbose mode where the entire certificate is printed. -n and -k limit the listing to certificates whose name matches the specified keyid and nsid.

-r -n nsid -k keyid

Deletes certificates in the certificate database. Certificates with the specified nsid and keyid will be deleted.


Checks existence of the certificate database. Returns true upon existence.