SunScreen SKIP User's Guide, Release 1.5.1


-i [interface]

The -i option is used to specify the name of the inter face for which the command is applicable. If this option is not specified skipif operates on the system's primary network interface. If the interface name all is used, the command will be applied to all the network interfaces present in the system. The loopback inter face "lo0" is excluded.


This option is used to add SKIP to a network interface. The access control list is initialized as empty with SKIP present on the interface but disabled (off). 


This option is used to make the current access control list permanent across system reboots. This option must be used with care as an incorrect or incomplete access control list can stop the system from functioning correctly. 


Deletes SKIP from a network interface. The network interface is returned to normal non protected operation. 


This option lists all the network interfaces present in the system. If the interface has SKIP added it will be tagged [skip]. If the access control list for the interface has been modified but not saved, the inter face will be tagged with [ACL not saved]. Using the -v option will cause skipif to print the access control list for each interface along with its status.


This option displays the skipif usage message.

See the man pages for more detail.