SunScreen 3.2 Installation Guide

Web Browser Requirements

SunScreen allows any system with a Java-enabled Web browser compliant with JDK 1.1.3 through 1.1.8 to function as an Administration Station. However, the version of the JVM(TM) or plug-in you are using with the browser dictates the operations you are able to perform on the Administration Station.

HotJava 1.1.5 is included on the SunScreen CD.

You can use any supported browser to look at status information and logs as well as modify and save policy configurations. However, some browser configurations do not support local system access.

Note -

The Netscape Navigator(TM) default Java plug-in provided with the Solaris 8 software is not compatible with the SunScreen 3.2 administration applet. To save log files and load certificates using Netscape Navigator 4.5 or higher, you must install the older version (version 1.1.2, which is included in the SunScreen distribution) of the Java plug-in or use the HotJava browser (included).

How to install the Java plug-in, version 1.1.2, save the identitydb.obj file, and set the NPX_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable is described in"Administration GUI Browser Requirements" section of this chapter.