SunScreen 3.2 Installation Guide

Installing the Screen and Administration Station

Note -

Before proceeding, make sure that all network interfaces you plan on using are configured. Configured interfaces are those displayed with # ifconfig -a. For details on the Solaris network interface configuration, see your Solaris software documentation.

This procedure describes installing the required SunScreen 3.2 Screen and administration packages using pkgadd to install the software. Use this procedure to install the Screen and administration packages on the firewall Screen as well as on the Administration Station. You can also use this procedure on the firewall Screen itself for a local installation.

To Install the Software

Use this procedure on both systems.

  1. Open a terminal window on one of the systems and become root, if not already.

  2. Change to the directory containing the SunScreen 3.2 product.

    #cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_9/ExtraValue/CoBundled/SunScreen_3.2/sparc

  3. Add the software by typing:

    # pkgadd -d .

    A list of available packages appears. Choose the following packages: 1-6 and 10-27

  4. Complete the installation then type q to quit pkgadd.

  5. Complete the installation by activating your policy configuration.

    Type: ssadm configure

    Answer the questions that appear.

  6. Reboot by typing:

    # sync; init 6

After installing the appropriate software on both the Screen and Administration Station, you create the IKE self-generated certificates on the systems and set up encrypted communications, as described in the following procedure.

Note -

The Adminstration Station and the firewall Screen need both their own certificates and each other's certificates installed before encrypted communication can begin.