SunScreen 3.2 Administrator's Overview

add service

add service "name_SERVICE" <SINGLE> filter ...

add service "name_SERVICE" GROUP "name_SERVICE" ...

For SINGLE services, a list of Filters follows the SINGLE keyword. The list must not be empty. Each Discriminator list also must not be empty. A Filter is of the form:

FORWARD "name_STATEENGINE" discriminator ...

REVERSE "name_STATEENGINE" discriminator ...

An individual discriminator is as follows:


PORT #-# (No space is allowed before or after the - character)



An optional parameter for discriminators, which appears immediately after discriminator number or range it modifies, is:

PARAMETERS space-separated list of #

For GROUP services, a space-separated list of "name_SERVICE" entries follows the GROUP keyword.

The following fields are optional and can be specified in any order after the service keyword:


COMMENT "comment string"

The service * is reserved and cannot be edited.