SunScreen 3.2 Administrator's Overview

IKE Certificates

SINGLE IKE certificates contain a matching pattern, or even a portion of a matching pattern, that is evaluated as needed by the IKE software. IKE certificates have a variety of naming methodologies, among them DNS names of hosts, mailbox names of users (which contain DNS names), IP addresses (both V4 and V6), and X.500 composite names.

IKE certificate groups are also dissimilar from SKIP groups. In IKE, a certificate group is defined in a manner similar to that of SunScreen address objects (with some restrictions). The IKE certificate group is really just a mechanism for expressing composite names (complex patterns).

The restrictions on IKE certificate groups relate to the context in which their exclusion lists can be used. Only a top-most IKE certificate group can use exclusions; all other groups can only contain inclusions. This restriction helps avoid various bizarre naming situations that might otherwise arise.