SunScreen 3.2 Administrator's Overview

Examples: Setting or Displaying the Global Default Log File Size

Group Screen installations are configured on the primary Screen. To set the global default log file size to 250 Mbytes, while logged into the primary Screen:

admin% ssadm -r primary edit Initial
edit> vars add prg=log name=LogSize value=250 description="log size (MB)"

To display the global default log file size:

admin% ssadm -r primary edit Initial
edit> vars print prg=log name=LogSize
PRG="log" NAME="LogSize" ENABLED VALUE="250" DESCRIPTION="log size (MB)"

Note -

Although the output produced by print surrounds the value of each item in double quotes, these are only necessary on input if there are embedded spaces within the values of items. Also, although print outputs all tag names in capital letters (for example, PRG), these tags are recognized in a case-insensitive manner on input (for example, prg, Prg, and PRG are equivalent).