ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction


This feature provides timer services for both user and supervisor actors. One-shot as well as periodic timers are provided. Time-out notification is achieved through user-provided handler threads which are woken up in the application actor.

The timer facility uses the concept of a timer object within the actor. These timer objects may be created, deleted and set dynamically. Once created, they are addressed by local identifiers within the context of the actor and are deleted automatically when the actor terminates.

The application is expected to create one or more threads dedicated to timer notification handling, by declaring themselves ready to handle these types of events. The relationship between a timer object and a thread (or a set of threads) is established through a threadPool object which is used to block threads waiting for the expiration of a timer.

Thus, the basic mechanism for dealing with timers is:

  1. Allocate and initialize a threadPool object.

  2. Create one thread which will block on the threadPool object.

  3. Create a timer associated with the above threadPool object.

  4. Set the timer (effectively arm it).

The second and third steps may take place in any order. When timer expiration occurs, the dedicated thread will be unblocked so that it may now perform any operation which should be done due to timer expiration. For example, it may print a warning message, re-arm the timer (unless it was a periodic timer), and block itself again. As usual with the ChorusOS operating system data structures, these threadPool objects must be pre-allocated by the application.

A threadPool object is initialized as follows:

#include <etimer/chEtimer.h>

int timerThreadPoolInit(KnThreadPool* threadPool);

A timer may then be created as follows:

#include <etimer/chEtimer.h>

int timerCreate(KnCap*        actorCap,
                int           clockType,
                KnThreadPool* threadPool,
                void*         cookie,
                int*          timerLi);

This creates a timer object in the actor defined by the actorCap parameter. Applications will usually use K_MYACTOR. When the timer is armed and reaches expiration, one of the threads blocked on the threadPool object will be selected and awakened. This thread will be passed the cookie parameter of the timerCreate() call. When successful, timerCreate() returns the local identifier of the created timer at the location defined by the timerLi parameter. The only clock type currently supported is K_CLOCK_REALTIME, and corresponds to the time returned by sysTime().

A thread may block itself on a threadPool object through the following call:

#include <etimer/chEtimer.h>

int timerThreadPoolWait(KnThreadPool* threadPool,
                        void**        cookie,
                        int*          overrun,
                        KnTimeVal*    waitLimit);

The threadPool object must have been previously initialized. timerThreadPoolWait() blocks the invoking thread until a timer associated with threadPool expires or until the waitLimit condition is reached. Upon timer expiration, the thread will return from this call, and the cookie field will have been updated with the value associated with the timer.

The overrun counter is used to indicate to the thread that either the time-out notification has been delayed (in this case the overrun value is 1) or that a number of time-out notifications have been lost (in this case the overrun value is strictly greater than 1).

A timer may be armed with:

#include <etimer/chEtimer.h>

int timerSet(KnCap*    actorCap,
             int       timerLi,
             int       flag,
             KnITimer* new,
             KnITimer* old);

This call arms the timer defined by the first two parameters where timerLi is the timer identifier as returned by timerCreate(). timerSet() allows the specification of the time-out using either a relative or an absolute time using the flag parameter. The time-out is specified using the new parameter which is a structure containing the following fields:

If the old parameter is non-null, the time remaining before timer expiration is returned at the location defined by old. If new is non-null and the timer has already been set, the current setting is cancelled and replaced with the new one. If the new time specified is 0, the current setting will simply be cancelled. If new is set to null, the current setting specification is left unchanged.

Refer to the timerThreadPoolInit(2K), timerCreate(2K), timerSet(2K), timerThreadPoolWait(2K), and sysTime(2K) man pages.

The following example illustrates the use of timer services for both user and supervisor actors.

Example 9-1 Using Timers

(file: progov/timers.c)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chorus.h>
#include <etimer/chEtimer.h>

KnThreadPool samplePool;
int          periodic;
int          oneShot;
int          periodicLid;
int          oneShotLid;

#define USER_STACK_SIZE (1024 * sizeof(long))			      
KnSem   sampleSem; /* Semaphore allocated as global variable */

childCreate(KnPc entry)
  KnActorPrivilege      actorP;
  KnDefaultStartInfo_f  startInfo;
  char*                 userStack;
  int                   childLid = -1;
  int                   res;

  startInfo.dsType            = K_DEFAULT_START_INFO;
  startInfo.dsSystemStackSize = K_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;

  res = actorPrivilege(K_MYACTOR, &actorP, NULL);
  if (res != K_OK) {
    printf("Cannot get the privilege of the actor, error %d\n", res);

  if (actorP == K_SUPACTOR) {
    startInfo.dsPrivilege = K_SUPTHREAD;
  } else {
    startInfo.dsPrivilege = K_USERTHREAD;

  if (actorP != K_SUPACTOR) {
    userStack = malloc(USER_STACK_SIZE);
    if (userStack == NULL) {
      printf("Cannot allocate user stack\n");
    startInfo.dsUserStackPointer = userStack + USER_STACK_SIZE;

  startInfo.dsEntry = entry;

  res = threadCreate(K_MYACTOR, &childLid, K_ACTIVE, 0, &startInfo);
  if (res != K_OK) {
    printf("Cannot create the thread, error %d\n", res);

  return childLid;

timerWait(int myThLi)
  /* do nothing */

  int      myThLi;
  int      res;
  void*    cookie;
  int      overrun;
  KnITimer periodicTimer;
  KnTimeVal tv;

  myThLi = threadSelf();
  printf("Thread %d started\n", myThLi);

  for(;;) {
      res = timerThreadPoolWait(&samplePool, &cookie, &overrun, K_NOTIMEOUT);
      if (res != K_OK) {					      
          printf("Cannot wait on thread pool, error %d\n", res);      
      if (overrun != 0) {
          printf("Thread %d. We were late! overrun set to : %d\n", 
                  myThLi, overrun);
      if (cookie == &periodic) {
         printf("Thread %d. Time is flying away!\n", myThLi);
      } else if (cookie == &oneShot) {
         printf("Thread %d. Isn't it time to go home?\n", myThLi);
         periodicTimer.ITmValue.tmSec   = 0; /* seconds */
         periodicTimer.ITmValue.tmNSec  = 0; /* nanoseconds */
         periodicTimer.ITmReload.tmSec  = 0; /* seconds */
         periodicTimer.ITmReload.tmNSec = 0; /* nanoseconds */
         res = timerSet(K_MYACTOR, periodicLid, NULL, &periodicTimer, NULL);
         if (res != K_OK) {					      
            printf("Cannot cancel periodic timer, error %d\n", res);  
          * Periodic timer is cancelled 
          * Get current time,
          * Wait for a short while (3 seconds) and quit
         res = sysTime(&tv);
         if (res != K_OK) {					      
            printf("Cannot get system time, error %d\n", res);	      
         printf("Current system time is %d seconds\n", tv.tmSec);
         printf("No more periodic messages should be printed now!\n");
         K_MILLI_TO_TIMEVAL(&tv, 3000);
         /* We are all done ! */
      } else {
         printf("Spurious timer!\n");
  } /* for() */

int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp) 
   int       res;
   KnTimeVal tv;
   int       thLi1;
   int       thLi2;
   KnITimer  periodicTimer;
   KnITimer  oneShotTimer;
   res = timerThreadPoolInit(&samplePool);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot initialize thread pool, error %d\n", res);	      

   res = timerCreate(K_MYACTOR, K_CLOCK_REALTIME, &samplePool,
			   &periodic, &periodicLid);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot create periodic timer, error %d\n", res);	      

   res = timerCreate(K_MYACTOR, K_CLOCK_REALTIME, &samplePool,
			   &oneShot, &oneShotLid);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot create one shot timer, error %d\n", res);	      

   thLi1 = childCreate((KnPc)sampleThread);
   thLi2 = childCreate((KnPc)sampleThread);
   res = sysTime(&tv);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot get system time, error %d\n", res);	      
   printf("Current system time is %d seconds\n", tv.tmSec);

   periodicTimer.ITmValue.tmSec   = 1; /* seconds */
   periodicTimer.ITmValue.tmNSec  = 0; /* nanoseconds */
   periodicTimer.ITmReload.tmSec  = 1; /* seconds */
   periodicTimer.ITmReload.tmNSec = 0; /* nanoseconds */
   res = timerSet(K_MYACTOR, periodicLid, NULL, &periodicTimer, NULL);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot arm periodic timer, error %d\n", res);	      
   oneShotTimer.ITmValue.tmSec   = tv.tmSec + 30; /* seconds */
   oneShotTimer.ITmValue.tmNSec  = 0; /* nanoseconds */
   oneShotTimer.ITmReload.tmSec  = 0; /* seconds */
   oneShotTimer.ITmReload.tmNSec = 0; /* nanoseconds */

   res = timerSet(K_MYACTOR, oneShotLid, K_TIMER_ABSOLUTE, 
	          &oneShotTimer, NULL);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot arm one shot timer, error %d\n", res);	      

   res = threadDelete(K_MYACTOR, K_MYSELF);
   if (res != K_OK) {						      
      printf("Cannot suicide myself, error %d\n", res);		      

   return 0;