ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction

Analyzing Performance Profiling Reports

Performance profiling is applied to a user-selected set of components (ChorusOS operating system kernel, supervisor actors). The result of the performance profiling consists of a set of reports, one per profiled component.

A performance profiling report consists of two parts:

For each function, the performance profile report displays the following information:

Shown below is an example of a profiling report.

  memcpy 4 K=18.834
  memcpy 16 K=51.936
  memcpy 64 K=185.579
  memcpy 256 K=801.300
  thread switch=5.777
  threadCreate (active)=8.062
  threadCreate (active, preempt)=10.071
  threadPriority (self)=3.789
  threadPriority (self, high)=3.195
  threadResume (preempt)=6.999
  threadResume (awake)=4.014
  ipcCall (null, timeout)=35.732
  ipcSend (null, funcmode)=7.723
  ipcCall (null, funcmode)=31.762
  ipcSend (null, funcumode)=7.924
  ipcCall (null, funcumode)=31.864
  ipcSend (annex)=8.294
  ipcReceive (annex)=7.086
  ipcCall (annex)=33.708
  ipcSend (body 4b)=8.020
  ipcReceive (body 4b)=6.822
  ipcCall (body 4b)=32.558
  ipcSend (annex, body 4b)=8.684
  ipcReceive (annex, body 4b)=7.495
  ipcCall (annex, body 4b)=34.849