ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction

Simple imake Example

The application in this example is composed of a single C source file, for example myprog.c in the directory myprog. Writing an Imakefile is quite straightforward. First, you must set the SRCS variable to the list of source files (in this case only one).

SRCS = myprog.c

Then, you must specify how to build the executable. The macro you use depends on the type of binary you want. If you want to build a user-mode binary (for example myprog_u), use the UserActorTarget() macro, as illustrated below. The first argument is the name of the executable. The second argument lists the object files. The third argument allows you to specify which libraries your program depends on. In this example there is no library, hence the empty argument (you could also pass NullParameter).


If you want to build a supervisor-mode binary (for example, myprog_s.r), use the SupActorTarget() as shown below. The arguments are the same as for UserActorTarget().


Finally, use the Depend() macro to generate the Makefile dependencies.


The Imakefile is complete. It looks like this:

SRCS = myprog.c

Next, generate the Makefile with the ChorusOSMkMf tool (see the ChorusOSMkMf(1CC) manpage for details). In the myprog directory, type:

% ChorusOSMkMf build_dir

Where build_dir is the directory where you have built a ChorusOS system image on which your application will run.

Next, generate the make dependencies by typing the following command:

% make depend

Finally, compile and link the program by typing:

% make

The program is now ready to be executed, and can be run on your target by following the steps in "Running the "Hello World" Example".