ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction


The ChorusOS operating system provides the following optional administration features:


The ADMIN_CHORUSSTAT feature provides support for the built-in chorusStat command of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT command will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more information on the chorusStat service, refer to chorusStat(1CC). Note that even if the ADMIN_CHORUSSTAT feature is not configured, you can get the ChorusOS operating system statistical information by running the chorusStat command, which is a stand-alone version of the built-in C_INIT command.

For more details, see ADMIN_CHORUSSTAT(5FEA).


The ADMIN_IFCONFIG feature provides support for the built-in ifconfig command of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT command will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more information on the ifconfig service, refer to ifconfig(1M). Note that even if the ADMIN_IFCONFIG feature is not configured, you can configure network interface parameters by running the ifconfig command which is a stand-alone version of the built-in C_INIT command. However, in order to be able to set up the network interface of the target system appropriately at initialization time, the ADMIN_IFCONFIG feature is usually set.

For more details, see ADMIN_IFCONFIG(5FEA).


The ADMIN_MOUNT feature provides support for the built-in mount and umount commands of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT command will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more information on the mount service, refer to mount(1M). This feature provides support to mount and unmount UFS, MS-DOS and NFS file systems. If this feature is not set, there will be no way to run a command to mount a file system within the target system. In this type of configuration, file systems will have to be mounted by user provided applications embedded within the boot image using the mount(2POSIX) system call.

For more details, see ADMIN_MOUNT(5FEA).


The ADMIN_RARP feature provides support for the built-in rarp command of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT command will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more accurate information on the rarp service, refer to C_INIT(1M). The ADMIN_RARP feature enables the system to retrieve its local IP address using the RARP protocol, and to configure a network interface accordingly. This feature requires the ADMIN_IFCONFIG feature.

For more details, see ADMIN_RARP(5FEA).


The ADMIN_ROUTE feature provides support for the built-in route command of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT command will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more information on the route service, refer to route(1M). Note that even if the ADMIN_ROUTE feature is not configured, you can still manage the routing tables of the Sun Embedded Workshop system by running the route command, which is a stand-alone version of the built-in C_INIT command. However, in order to be able to set up the routing tables of the target system appropriately at initialization time, the ADMIN_ROUTE feature is usually set.

For more details, see ADMIN_ROUTE(5FEA).


The ADMIN_SHUTDOWN feature provides support for the built-in shutdown and reboot commands of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT commands will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more information on the shutdown service, refer to shutdown(1M) . This feature permits the stopping of all or part of the system, and possibly to reboot the system. Note that even if the ADMIN_SHUTDOWN feature is not configured, it may still be possible to stop the system by running the shutdown command, which is a stand-alone version of the built-in C_INIT command.

For more details, see ADMIN_SHUTDOWN(5FEA).


The ADMIN_NETSTAT feature provides support for the built-in netstat command of C_INIT(1M). If the feature is not configured, the built-in C_INIT command will display an error message. This feature affects the content of the ADMIN system actor. For more information on the netstat service, refer to netstat(1CC). Note that even if the ADMIN_NETSTAT feature is not configured it may still be possible to get the network status by running the netstat command, which is a stand-alone version of the built-in C_INIT command.

For more details, see ADMIN_NETSTAT(5FEA).