ChorusOS 4.0 Installation Guide for Solaris Hosts

Installing on the Host

This chapter explains how to install the ChorusOS 4.0 product development environment on a host workstation running the Solaris operating environment.

Follow the instructions provided by your customer service representative in order to download the files required for installation.

This installation guide assumes that you have already saved the necessary files in a download directory such as /home/user/downloads/ChorusOS_4.0. For the rest of this document, we refer to this directory as download_dir.

Performing an Interactive Installation

Note -

You may perform the installation procedure as many times as necessary. This is especially useful if you want to install extra components after the initial installation.

If you install any packages of the core delivery -- not including documentation or third-party software -- subsequent installations always place files under the install_dir/4.0, where install_dir is the directory you select during the first installation.

In other words, if you decide to reinstall core software packages elsewhere, you must first remove all the installed packages. Chapter 5, Uninstalling on the Host describes how to remove packages.

  1. Change to a directory in which you have write permission, not /tmp, where you have enough space to uncompress all the files in the delivery:

    $ cd extract_dir

    The minimum amount of free space required is specified in readme.html.

  2. Run the script to extract the files required for installation:

    $ sh download_dir/
  3. Enter the root password for the host workstation when prompted.

    Please enter this system's root user password.
    Password: root_password

    The installation wizard in this release uses the Solaris package system, including utilities such as pkgadd(1M), to manage installation and dependencies. Solaris package tools require that you become root in order to install packages.

    After initialization finishes, the Solaris Web Start Wizard(TM) is displayed.

  4. Follow the instructions displayed on the Web Start Wizard screens.

    Note that if you choose a "Default Install" for the binary delivery, the following components of the ChorusOS 4.0 product are installed for the standard delivery:

    • Documentation in PDF format

    • On-line man pages

    • The Kernel component, required to build a kernel system image

    • The OS component, required to build a system image with POSIX-compatible APIs

    • The IOM component, required to build the system actor that manages input and output

    • The Tools component, required to use the cross-development tool chain for building target system executables on the host workstation

    • BSP sources, required source files needed for board-specific support

    • The XRAY Debugger component, the reference debugger for use with ChorusOS systems.

    In order to install other components, such as extra components that you did not select during initial installation, select "Custom Install".

  5. Exit the Web Start Wizard after you have finished installing the software.

    The Web Start Wizard creates log files during installation in the directory /var/sadm/install/logs.

  6. Use the information in the following table to set environment variables on the host workstation.

    Environment variable 





    Contains the path to on-line manual pages 



    Enables access to the host tool chain for target family architectures

  7. Make sure the environment variables MANPATH and PATH are correctly positioned:

    $ man ChorusOSMkMf
    Reformatting page.  Wait... done
    Misc. Reference Manual Pages                    ChorusOSMkMf(1CC)
         ChorusOSMkMf - Create  a  Makefile  from  an  Imakefile  for
    $ ChorusOSMkMf
    usage: ChorusOSMkMf config-file [-s source-dir] [-b build-dir] [-d dist-dir]
Installing the AnswerBook2TM Documentation Collections

The AnswerBook2 product is Sun's online documentation system. It uses a web-browser interface that lets you view and print a variety of information, including the ChorusOS 4.0 product documentation and man pages.

The AnswerBook2 product provides a search engine that lets you find information throughout the documentation library. You can install AnswerBook2 document collections on a centralized documentation server or on a local server. See "Installing AnswerBook2 Server Software" in Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server for details.

The following procedure describes one method of installing the AnswerBook2 documentation collections provided with the ChorusOS 4.0 product. See "Installing Document Collections" in Installing and Administering an AnswerBook2 Server for a more complete explanation of the process.

  1. Use the table below to determine which AnswerBook2 packages you want to install:

    Compressed Package 

    AnswerBook2 Collection

    The ChorusOS 4.0 Common Documentation Collection contains general product documentation common to all host/target product combinations.

    The ChorusOS 4.0 Reference Manual Collection contains the AnswerBook2 collection of the on-line manual pages.

    The ChorusOS 4.0 Target Family Documentation Collection contains precise definitions of supported target family architectures and lists the functionality supported for each target family.

    This collection also contains information on how to build the ChorusOS operating system for specific targets and run it on supported target hardware. 

  2. Extract the AnswerBook2 packages you want to install:

    $ cd download_dir
    $ unzip -d extract_dir
    $ unzip -d extract_dir
    $ unzip -d extract_dir
  3. Log in to the system on which the AnswerBook2 server is located and become root:

    $ rlogin ab2_server
    $ su -
    Password: root_password
  4. Use the pkgadd utility to install the AnswerBook2 packages on the system:

    # pkgadd -d extract_dir

    Each package includes a post-install script that adds the collection to the server's database and restarts the server. At this point, the AnswerBook2 collections should be visible through your web browser at http://ab2_server:8888, where ab2_server is the hostname of the system on which you installed the documentation collections.