ChorusOS 4.0 File System Administration Guide

2.3 Required Special Device Driver Files

This section reviews the special device driver files required for file system support.

If your target is an NFS client only (all its files are physically located on another system, such as the host workstation), you can skip this section.

2.3.1 What Special Files Are

The ChorusOS system requires you to use special(7S) device driver files to access the hardware devices where file systems reside. This means that disk labelling and other operations on uninitialized and unmounted file systems must be done using special files.

Each disk partition corresponds to at least one special file. Unless you plan to use a raw partition directly, without a file system, you must be able to access each partition in both block (buffered) mode and raw (character) mode, so you must create not just one special file per partition, but two. Each special file:

2.3.2 Naming Conventions for Special Files

Special files normally reside in the /dev directory, which is mounted at boot time. By convention, special file names follow the form /dev/rsuffix for raw (character) mode and /dev/suffix for buffered (block) mode.

The suffix is made up of:

Caution - Caution -

Special care must be taken with partition c. Partition c represents the whole disk and therefore must not be used to support a file system.

As file systems are based on BSD 4.4 as implemented in FreeBSD 2.2.7, the same limitations found in FreeBSD 2.2.7 apply to ChorusOS file system management. According to limitations imposed by FreeBSD, a disk can be divided into a maximum of eight different partitions for IDE and SCSI devices, two partitions for RAM and flash devices. Partitions can be left undefined. Partitions are named using a single character in the range from a to h, each letter corresponding to one of the eight partitions for IDE and SCSI devices. For RAM and flash devices, only partitions a and c are available.