ChorusOS 4.0 File System Administration Guide

3.3 How to Create a File System

This section explains how to create a file system on a disk. If you plan to use the disk partitions in raw mode and do not need a file system, you can skip the rest of this chapter.

Once the disk has been labelled, you can write a UFS or MS-DOS file system structure to any partition you have defined for the disk, except partition c.

Creating a UFS File System

    Create the file system using the newfs command as follows:

    host% rsh target arun /bin/newfs raw_device

    where raw_device is a raw mode special file indicating a partition such as /dev/rsd0a.

Creating an MS-DOS File System

    Create the file system using the newfs_dos command as follows:

    host% rsh target arun /bin/newfs_dos raw_device

    where raw_device is a raw mode special file indicating a partition such as /dev/rhd0a.

Example 3-1 Creating a File System on a RAM Disk

You can pass extra parameters to newfs or newfs_dos when creating a file system on a RAM disk in order to maximize available space. The following command could be used to maximize space available on a 1 MB RAM disk:

host% rsh target arun /bin/newfs -o space -c 128 -m 0 /dev/rrd0a

Note -

See "5.2 How to Activate a Swap Partition" for details on activating a swap partition.