ChorusOS 4.0 File System Administration Guide

6.4 Setting Up an NFS Server on the Target System

If your ChorusOS system has a local file system, you may want to export part of it through NFS to share files with other systems on the network. For the following example, it is assumed that you want to export file systems and that you have already been able to create a local file system in RAM. See "6.2 Making a RAM Disk the Main System Disk" for details.

Before you can use the ChorusOS system as an NFS server, you must set the appropriate features and tunables. For example, if you are using TFTP to download onto target, then you might do so as follows:

$ cd build_dir
$ configurator -c conf/ChorusOS.xml -set NFS_CLIENT=true
$ configurator -c conf/ChorusOS.xml -set UFS=true
$ configurator -c conf/ChorusOS.xml -set NFS_SERVER=true
$ configurator -c conf/ChorusOS.xml -set iom.kmemsize=0x80000
$ configurator -c conf/ChorusOS.xml -set iom.nbuf=8
$ make chorus
$ cp chorus.bmon /tftpboot
$ rsh target reboot

Note that you can export only UFS file systems through NFS.

Once the ChorusOS system has support for NFS, you must configure at least /etc/exports for the target system:

# Export everything to everyone.
/ 	-alldirs -maproot=0:1

Note -

The directory you export must be local to the ChorusOS system. From this point on, it is assumed that you have already populated a local device file system. Again, see "6.2 Making a RAM Disk the Main System Disk" for an example of how to prepare a local RAM disk file system for use as the root file system.

The following commands enable name services, portmapping, the mountd daemon and three NFS servers for UDP and TCP clients. The name service is optional, but useful. The other services are required to provide NFS services.

$ rsh target arun /bin/inetNShost&
$ rsh target arun /etc/portmap&
$ rsh target arun /etc/mountd&
$ rsh target arun /etc/nfsd -ut -n 3&

At this point, you can mount the target system root directory on another system, such as the host workstation or another target. The following commands mount the file system on the host workstation:

$ su
Password: root_password
# mount target:/ /mnt

You may also choose to mount the exported ChorusOS system directories from other target systems, for example.