ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide

Rebooting a ChorusOS system

ChorusOS supports three system reboot scenarios:

A system reboot can be initiated by either the operating system sysShutdown() call, by the system failure recovery procedure, or by some special system applications such as the ChorusOS Boot Monitor.

All system reboot scenarios will use the sysReboot() micro-kernel call. sysReboot() calls the emergency stop services of all registered drivers and then transfers control to a board-specific reboot program.

When performing a cold reboot, the reboot program will reset the hardware and the system life-cycle will be re-started from the power-up intialization program.

In the case of a hot reboot, the system boots from the system image, originally deployed by the cold reboot. For further information on this, see the "Hot Reboot".

Finally, if one ChorusOS system (that is, the Boot Monitor) boots another ChorusOS system (that is, the system image loaded by the Boot Monitor) then the new system image is installed at the required address and the reboot program will jump to it. For further information on this, see "Rebooting The New System Image"

For more information on booting a ChorusOS operating system, see Chapter 4, Rebooting ChorusOS.