ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide

binInstallByMask and binInstallByType()

Example 3-6 is an example of binInstallByMask() and binInstallByType() source code, provided in kernel/snippet/nucleus/boot_tools/binInstall.c.

Example 3-6 binInstallByMask

binInstallOne(BinDesc* bin)
    int j;
    for (j = bin->firstSeg; j <= bin->lastSeg; j++) {
        BinSegDesc* seg = &bootConf->segDesc[j];               
        if (seg->space == SEG_KSP) {
            if ((VmAddr) seg->kaddr != seg->vaddr) {
                 * Move segment to its base address 
                bcopy((void*) seg->kaddr, (void*) seg->vaddr, seg->ksize);
            if (seg->ksize < seg->vsize) {
                 *  Zero segments's bss
                bzero((void*) (seg->vaddr + seg->ksize), 
                      seg->vsize - seg->ksize);

binInstallByMask(BinType mask)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < bootConf->numBins; ++i) {
        BinDesc* bin =  &bootConf->binDesc[i];
        if (bin->type & mask) {

binInstallByType(BinType type)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < bootConf->numBins; ++i) {
        BinDesc* bin =  &bootConf->binDesc[i];
        if (bin->type == type) {

The binInstallByMask() function installs binaries specified by the mask argument. The mask can be any combination of the bits listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 mask Bits
mask Bit Meaning
 BIN_STANDALONE install bootstrap program and debug agent binaries
 BIN_KERNEL install microkernel
 BIN_ACTOR install built-in drivers and actors

binInstallByMask() installs all binaries with type values that match at least one bit set in the mask argument. See "Binaries" for more information.

The binInstallByType() function installs all binaries of one particular type.

To install a binary, the binInstallOne() internal function is used. It copies, if necessary, the binary segments from the memory bank to RAM and zeros bss. binInstallOne() only processes segments that belong to the initial kernel address space, SEG_KSP.

binInstallOne() assumes that the memory banks containing the installing binaries have already been installed and that the destination addresses are already accessible.