ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide


This folder contains definitions of the linking areas used during system image link-edit. A linking area is specified by an object of the type Area which defines the following fields:

The board-specific configuration can define any number of linking areas. A board-specific configuration must define an Area object named ram_area.

For example, the SBC8260 board-specific configuration defines three linking areas: ram_area, supervisor_actor_area, and user_actor_area.

When the micro-kernel is configured with the memory management module implementing the flat memory model (that is, when the value of the VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE configuration variable is false), only ram_area is defined. It is used to link-edit all non-XIP data segments.

Example 5-3 is an extract of the SBC8260 board-specific configuration file, and defines the ram_area object.

Example 5-3 SBC8260 ram_area Configuration

    <definition name='ram_area'>
      <description>default system image linking area
          (used for bss only)</description>
        <equal><var name='BOOT_MODE' /><const>RAM</const></equal>
      <type name='Area' />
      <value field='addr'><const>0x00004000</const></value>
      <value field='size'><const>0x000fc000</const></value>
      <value field='private'><false/></value>
      <value field='virtual'><false/></value>

    <definition name='ram_area'>
      <description>default system image linking area
          (used for data segments)</description>
        <equal><var name='BOOT_MODE' /><const>ROM</const></equal>
      <type name='Area' />
      <value field='addr'><const>0x00004000</const></value>
      <value field='size'><const>0x00ffc000</const></value>
      <value field='private'><false/></value>
      <value field='virtual'><false/></value>

When the microkernel is configured with one of the memory management modules implementing the virtual memory model (that is, when the value of the VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE configuration variable is true), three linking areas are defined:

Example 5-4 is an extract of the SBC2860 board-specific configuration file, and defines the supervisor_actor_area and user_actor_area objects.

Example 5-4 SBC8260 supervisor_actor_area and user_actor_area objects

   <definition name='supervisor_actor_area'>
      <description>linking area for supervisor actors</description>
      <condition><var name='VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE' /></condition>
      <type name='Area' />
      <value field='virtual'><true /></value>
      <value field='private'><false /></value>
      <value field='addr'><const>0xa0000000</const></value>
      <value field='size'><const>0x40000000</const></value>

    <definition name='user_actor_area'>
      <description>linking area for user actors</description>
      <condition><var name='VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE' /></condition>
      <type name='Area' />
      <value field='virtual'><true /></value>
      <value field='private'><true /></value>
      <value field='addr'><const>0x00000000</const></value>
      <value field='size'><const>0x80000000</const></value>

System Control Blocks

A board-specific configuration must define two references to linking area objects where global system control blocks are allocated:

For example, the SBC8260 board-specific configuration defines supervisor_context_area_ref as a reference to ram_area:

<definition name='supervisor_context_area_ref'>
			<description>reference to the address range where global system 
				control blocks must be allocated</description>
			<type name='Area' ref-only='yes' />
			<ref name='ram_area' />

The mkimage tool will allocate an address range for supervisor address space control blocks in ram_area (as well as the address ranges for all segments link-edited into it).

Two configurations for user_context_area_ref are defined for the SBC8260 board.