ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide

The Src Level Driver Directory

This src directory must contain the following two files:

Example A-3 New driver: Project.tmpl

#include "Package.rules"

SRC_DIR         = SourceDir
BUILD_DIR       = BuildDir
DIST_DIR        = DistDir

VPATH           = $(SRC_DIR)$(REL_DIR)

WARN            = $(WARN_ON)
DEBUG           = $(DEBUG_ON)

DRV_DIST_INC    = $(DIST_DIR)/include/chorus/drv

DRV_DIST_BIN    = $(DIST_DIR)/bin/drv

INCLUDES        = -I$(NUCLEUS_DIR)/include/chorus \
                  -I$(NUCLEUS_DIR)/include/stdc \
                  -I$(DIST_DIR)/include/chorus \
                  -I$(DIST_DIR)/include/chorus/drv/private \

CPU_LIB         = $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/cpu/cpu.s.a
EBD_LIB         = $(NUCLEUS_DIR)/lib/embedded/libebd.s.a

DRV_LIBS        = $(CPU_LIB) $(EBD_LIB)

The DRV_DIST_INC and DRV_DIST_BIN variables define paths where includes and binaries will be exported. This Project.tmpl file can be modified to add new variables or modify existing ones, for example to add a new include path or add a new library (DRV_LIBS).

Example A-4 New driver: Imakefile

#define IHaveSubdirs

SUBDIRS = keybrd

This Imakefile lists all of the sub-directories for each driver class and needs updapting to cater for your own drivers.