ChorusOS man pages section 2K: Kernel System Calls
 acap -- get a c_actor capability ( Index Term Link )
 aconf -- get configurable system variables ( Index Term Link )
 acreate -- creates a c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 acred -- get/set c_actor credentials ( Index Term Link )
 actorCreate -- create an actor ( Index Term Link )
 actorDelete -- delete an actor ( Index Term Link )
 actorName -- get and/or set the symbolic name of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 actorPi -- get and/or set the protection identifier of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 actorPrivilege -- get and/or set the privilege of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 actorSelf -- get the current actor capability ( Index Term Link )
 actorStart -- Stop an actor; Start an actor ( Index Term Link )
 actorStat -- get the status of all actors on a site ( Index Term Link )
 actorStop -- Stop an actor; Start an actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexec -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexecl -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexecle -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexeclp -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexecv -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexecve -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 afexecvp -- create a new c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 agetalparam -- Manage the loading of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 agetId -- get c_actor's ID ( Index Term Link )
 akill -- kill an actor ( Index Term Link )
 aload -- Manage the loading of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 alParamBuild -- Manage the loading of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 alParamUnpack -- Manage the loading of an actor ( Index Term Link )
 astart -- activates a c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 astat -- list all active c_actors ( Index Term Link )
 atrace -- c_actor trace ( Index Term Link )
 await -- wait for c_actor to terminate or stop ( Index Term Link )
 awaits -- wait for c_actor to terminate or stop ( Index Term Link )
 dladdr -- translate address to symbolic information ( Index Term Link )
 dlclose -- close a dynamic object ( Index Term Link )
 dlerror -- get diagnostic information ( Index Term Link )
 dlopen -- gain access to a dynamic object file ( Index Term Link )
 dlsym -- get the address of a symbol in a dynamic object ( Index Term Link )
 ethIpcStackAttach -- attach an IPC stack to an Ethernet device ( Index Term Link )
 ethOsiStackAttach -- attach an OSI stack to an Ethernet device ( Index Term Link )
 eventClear -- initialize an event flag set; Clear events in an event flag set; Post events in an event flag set; Wait for events in an event flag set ( Index Term Link )
 eventInit -- initialize an event flag set; Clear events in an event flag set; Post events in an event flag set; Wait for events in an event flag set ( Index Term Link )
 eventPost -- initialize an event flag set; Clear events in an event flag set; Post events in an event flag set; Wait for events in an event flag set ( Index Term Link )
 eventWait -- initialize an event flag set; Clear events in an event flag set; Post events in an event flag set; Wait for events in an event flag set ( Index Term Link )
 _exit -- terminate a c_actor ( Index Term Link )
 grpAllocate -- allocate a port group capability ( Index Term Link )
 grpPortInsert -- insert a port into a port group; remove a port from a port group ( Index Term Link )
 grpPortRemove -- insert a port into a port group; remove a port from a port group ( Index Term Link )
 intro -- introduction to ChorusOS error codes and system calls ( Index Term Link )
 ipcCall -- send an RPC request and wait for the reply ( Index Term Link )
 ipcGetData -- get the current message body ( Index Term Link )
 ipcReceive -- receive a message ( Index Term Link )
 ipcReply -- reply to the current message ( Index Term Link )
 ipcRestore -- Save the current message; Restore a saved message as the current message ( Index Term Link )
 ipcSave -- Save the current message; Restore a saved message as the current message ( Index Term Link )
 ipcSend -- send a message ( Index Term Link )
 ipcSysInfo -- get system information about the current message ( Index Term Link )
 ipcTarget -- build a message target ( Index Term Link )
 lapDescDup -- create a lap; reset a lap descriptor; test if a lap descriptor has been initialized; duplicate a lap descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 lapDescIsZero -- create a lap; reset a lap descriptor; test if a lap descriptor has been initialized; duplicate a lap descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 lapDescZero -- create a lap; reset a lap descriptor; test if a lap descriptor has been initialized; duplicate a lap descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 lapInvoke -- invoke a lap handler ( Index Term Link )
 lapResolve -- bind a symbolic name to a lap descriptor; unbind the symbolic name bound to a lap descriptor; get a lap descriptor from a lap symbolic name ( Index Term Link )
 msgAllocate -- allocates a message from a message space ( Index Term Link )
 msgFree -- free a message of a message space ( Index Term Link )
 msgGet -- retrieves the first message of a message queue ( Index Term Link )
 msgPut -- post a message to a message queue ( Index Term Link )
 msgRemove -- remove a message from a message queue ( Index Term Link )
 msgSpaceCreate -- create a message space ( Index Term Link )
 msgSpaceOpen -- open a message space ( Index Term Link )
 mutexGet -- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex ( Index Term Link )
 mutexInit -- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex ( Index Term Link )
 mutexRel -- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex ( Index Term Link )
 mutexTry -- initialize a mutex; acquire a mutex; release a mutex; try to acquire a mutex ( Index Term Link )
 padGet -- return actor-specific values associated with keys ( Index Term Link )
 padKeyCreate -- create a private key for an actor ( Index Term Link )
 padKeyDelete -- delete an actor private key ( Index Term Link )
 padSet -- set the actor's key to a specific value ( Index Term Link )
 portCreate -- create a port; declare a port ( Index Term Link )
 portDeclare -- create a port; declare a port ( Index Term Link )
 portDelete -- delete a port ( Index Term Link )
 portEnable -- Enable a port portDisable; Disable a port ( Index Term Link )
 portGetSeqNum -- Migrate a port; Get a port sequence number ( Index Term Link )
 portLi -- Get the unique identifier of a port, given its local identifier; Get the local identifier of a port, given its unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
 portMigrate -- Migrate a port; Get a port sequence number ( Index Term Link )
 portPi -- get and/or set the protection identifier of a port ( Index Term Link )
 portUi -- Get the unique identifier of a port, given its local identifier; Get the local identifier of a port, given its unique identifier ( Index Term Link )
 ptdErrnoAddr -- return a thread-specific errno address ( Index Term Link )
 ptdGet -- return thread-specific value associated with key ( Index Term Link )
 ptdKeyCreate -- create a thread-specific data key ( Index Term Link )
 ptdKeyDelete -- delete a thread-specific data key ( Index Term Link )
 ptdRemoteGet -- return a thread-specific data value for another thread ( Index Term Link )
 ptdRemoteSet -- set a thread-specific data value for another thread ( Index Term Link )
 ptdSet -- set a thread-specific value ( Index Term Link )
 ptdThreadDelete -- delete all thread-specific values and call destructors ( Index Term Link )
 ptdThreadId -- return the thread ID ( Index Term Link )
 rgnAllocate -- allocate a region in an actor address space ( Index Term Link )
 rgnDup -- duplicate an actor address space ( Index Term Link )
 rgnFree -- deallocate regions of an actor address space ( Index Term Link )
 rgnInitFromActor -- allocate a region in an actor address space and initialise it from another region ( Index Term Link )
 rgnMapFromActor -- create a region in an actor address space and map another region to it ( Index Term Link )
 rgnPhysMap -- create a region in an actor address space and map (on demand) to it physical memory specified by the caller ( Index Term Link )
 rgnSetInherit -- Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change paging options associated with a region; Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change opaque values associated with a region ( Index Term Link )
 rgnSetOpaque -- Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change paging options associated with a region; Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change opaque values associated with a region ( Index Term Link )
 rgnSetPaging -- Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change paging options associated with a region; Change inheritance options associated with a region; Change opaque values associated with a region ( Index Term Link )
 rgnSetProtect -- change protection options associated with a region ( Index Term Link )
 rgnStat -- get the statistics of a region of an actor address space ( Index Term Link )
 rtMutexGet -- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex ( Index Term Link )
 rtMutexInit -- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex ( Index Term Link )
 rtMutexRel -- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex ( Index Term Link )
 rtMutexTry -- Initialize a realtime mutex; Acquire a realtime mutex; Release a realtime mutex; Try to acquire a realtime mutex ( Index Term Link )
 schedAdmin -- scheduling classes administration ( Index Term Link )
 semInit -- initialize a semaphore; wait on a semaphore; signal a semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 semP -- initialize a semaphore; wait on a semaphore; signal a semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 semV -- initialize a semaphore; wait on a semaphore; signal a semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 svAbortHandler -- Define an exception handler; Define an abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandler -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandlerConnect -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandlerDisconnect -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorAbortHandlerGetConnected -- Connect an actor abort handler; Disconnect an actor abort handler; Get an actor abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandler -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandlerConnect -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandlerDisconnect -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorExcHandlerGetConnected -- Connect an actor exception handler; Disconnect an actor exception handler; Get an actor exception handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandler -- Actor stop handler management ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandlerConnect -- Connect an actor stop handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandlerDisconnect -- Disconnect an actor stop handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorStopHandlerGetConnected -- Get an actor stop handler ( Index Term Link )
 svActorVirtualTimeout -- Set an actor's virtual timeout; Cancel an actor's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svActorVirtualTimeoutCancel -- Set an actor's virtual timeout; Cancel an actor's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svActorVirtualTimeoutSet -- Set an actor's virtual timeout; Cancel an actor's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svCopyIn -- Copy from trap caller space; Copy string from trap caller space; Copy to trap caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svCopyInString -- Copy from trap caller space; Copy string from trap caller space; Copy to trap caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svCopyOut -- Copy from trap caller space; Copy string from trap caller space; Copy to trap caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svExcHandler -- Define an exception handler; Define an abort handler ( Index Term Link )
 svGetInvoker -- get handler invoker ( Index Term Link )
 svLapBind -- bind a symbolic name to a lap descriptor; unbind the symbolic name bound to a lap descriptor; get a lap descriptor from a lap symbolic name ( Index Term Link )
 svLapCreate -- create a lap; reset a lap descriptor; test if a lap descriptor has been initialized; duplicate a lap descriptor ( Index Term Link )
 svLapDelete -- delete a lap ( Index Term Link )
 svLapUnbind -- bind a symbolic name to a lap descriptor; unbind the symbolic name bound to a lap descriptor; get a lap descriptor from a lap symbolic name ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskAll -- Disable interrupt processing; Enable interrupt processing; Reenable interrupt processing ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockGet -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockInit -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockRel -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMaskedLockTry -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svMemRead -- Copy from supervisor caller space; Copy to supervisor caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svMemWrite -- Copy from supervisor caller space; Copy to supervisor caller space ( Index Term Link )
 svMsgHandler -- Connect/disconnect a message handler; Prepare a reply to a handled message ( Index Term Link )
 svMsgHdlReply -- Connect/disconnect a message handler; Prepare a reply to a handled message ( Index Term Link )
 svPagesAllocate -- supervisor address space memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 svPagesFree -- supervisor address space memory allocator ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockGet -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockInit -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockRel -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSpinLockTry -- Initialize a spin lock; Disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Try to disable interrupts and acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock and enable interrupts; Initialize a spin lock; Acquire a spin lock; Try to acquire a spin lock; Release a spin lock ( Index Term Link )
 svSysCtx -- get system context table address ( Index Term Link )
 svSysPanic -- trigger the invocation of the panic handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTimeout -- Request a timeout; Cancel a timeout; Get timeout resolution ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTimeoutCancel -- Cancel a timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTimeoutSet -- Request a timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandler -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandlerConnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandlerDisconnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svSysTrapHandlerGetConnected -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler; Get a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svThreadVirtualTimeout -- Set a thread's virtual timeout; Cancel a thread's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svThreadVirtualTimeoutCancel -- Set a thread's virtual timeout; Cancel a thread's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svThreadVirtualTimeoutSet -- Set a thread's virtual timeout; Cancel a thread's virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svTimeoutGetRes -- Get timeout resolution ( Index Term Link )
 svTrapConnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svTrapDisConnect -- Connect a trap handler; Disconnect a trap handler ( Index Term Link )
 svUnmask -- Disable interrupt processing; Enable interrupt processing; Reenable interrupt processing ( Index Term Link )
 svUnmaskAll -- Disable interrupt processing; Enable interrupt processing; Reenable interrupt processing ( Index Term Link )
 svVirtualTimeoutCancel -- Set a virtual timeout; Cancel a virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 svVirtualTimeoutSet -- Set a virtual timeout; Cancel a virtual timeout ( Index Term Link )
 sysBench -- kernel benchmark utility ( Index Term Link )
 sysGetConf -- Get Chorus module configuration value ( Index Term Link )
 sysGetEnv -- Get a value from the Chorus configuration environment ( Index Term Link )
 sysLog -- log a message in the kernel's cyclical buffer ( Index Term Link )
 sysPoll -- Read characters from the system console; Write characters to the system console; Poll characters from the system console ( Index Term Link )
 sysRead -- Read characters from the system console; Write characters to the system console; Poll characters from the system console ( Index Term Link )
 sysReboot -- request a reboot of the local site ( Index Term Link )
 sysSetEnv -- Set a value in the ChorusOS configuration environment ( Index Term Link )
 sysShutdown -- shut down the system ( Index Term Link )
 sysTime -- get system time; get system time resolution ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimeGetRes -- get system time; get system time resolution ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimer -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerGetCounterFrequency -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerGetCounterPeriod -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerReadCounter -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerStartFreerun -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerStartPeriodic -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysTimerStop -- system timer management ( Index Term Link )
 sysUnsetEnv -- delete a value from the ChorusOS configuration environment ( Index Term Link )
 sysWrite -- Read characters from the system console; Write characters to the system console; Poll characters from the system console ( Index Term Link )
 threadAbort -- Abort a thread; Check whether the current thread has been aborted ( Index Term Link )
 threadAborted -- Abort a thread; Check whether the current thread has been aborted ( Index Term Link )
 threadActivate -- make a thread active ( Index Term Link )
 threadBind -- bind a thread to a processor ( Index Term Link )
 threadContext -- get and/or set the context of a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadCreate -- create a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadDelay -- delay the current thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadDelete -- delete a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadLoadR -- Get the current thread's valid soft register value; Reset the current thread's valid soft register value ( Index Term Link )
 threadName -- get and/or set the symbolic name of a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadResume -- Suspend a thread; Resume a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadScheduler -- get and/or set thread scheduling parameters ( Index Term Link )
 threadSelf -- get the current thread local identifier ( Index Term Link )
 threadSemInit -- Initialize a thread semaphore; Signal a thread semaphore; Wait on a thread semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 threadSemPost -- Initialize a thread semaphore; Signal a thread semaphore; Wait on a thread semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 threadSemWait -- Initialize a thread semaphore; Signal a thread semaphore; Wait on a thread semaphore ( Index Term Link )
 threadStart -- Stop a thread; Start a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadStat -- obtain the descriptions of the threads running in actor ( Index Term Link )
 threadStop -- Stop a thread; Start a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadStoreR -- Get the current thread's valid soft register value; Reset the current thread's valid soft register value ( Index Term Link )
 threadSuspend -- Suspend a thread; Resume a thread ( Index Term Link )
 threadTimes -- get thread execution time ( Index Term Link )
 timerCreate -- create a timer ( Index Term Link )
 timerDelete -- delete a timer ( Index Term Link )
 timerGetRes -- get the timer resolution ( Index Term Link )
 timerSet -- start, cancel or query a timer ( Index Term Link )
 timerThreadPoolInit -- initialize a timer thread pool ( Index Term Link )
 timerThreadPoolWait -- wait for a timer expiration event ( Index Term Link )
 uiBuild -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 uiClear -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 uiEqual -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 uiGetSite -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 uiIsLocal -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 uiLocalSite -- get the local site number ( Index Term Link )
 uiSite -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 uiValid -- Build a user-defined unique identifier; Clear a unique identifer; Compare two unique identifers; Extract the site number from a unique identifier; Check a unique identifier's locality; Get a pre-defined site unique identifier; Check whether an unique identifier has been cleared ( Index Term Link )
 univTime -- Get time-of-day; Set time-of-day; Adjust time-of-day univTimeGetRes; Get time-of-day resolution ( Index Term Link )
 univTimeAdjust -- Get time-of-day; Set time-of-day; Adjust time-of-day univTimeGetRes; Get time-of-day resolution ( Index Term Link )
 univTimeSet -- Get time-of-day; Set time-of-day; Adjust time-of-day univTimeGetRes; Get time-of-day resolution ( Index Term Link )
 virtualTimeGetRes -- get virtual time resolution ( Index Term Link )
 vmCopy -- copy data between actor address spaces ( Index Term Link )
 vmFree -- free memory ( Index Term Link )
 vmLock -- Fix data in memory; Data in memory ( Index Term Link )
 vmPageSize -- get the minimum allocatable memory block size ( Index Term Link )
 vmPhysAddr -- get the physical address corresponding to a virtual address ( Index Term Link )
 vmSetPar -- set the memory management parameters ( Index Term Link )
 vmStat -- get memory management statistics ( Index Term Link )
 vmUnLock -- Fix data in memory; Data in memory ( Index Term Link )