ChorusOS 4.0 Network Administration Guide

Configuration Files

This section describes all files which must be created or modified to configure PPP on a Solaris host.

Configuring the Network
  1. Make sure /etc/hosts or the NIS configuration files include PPP addresses for both the host and target systems:

    # If you are using /etc/hosts, then include the following lines.
    # Host PPP address          Host PPP hostname
    host_PPP                      host_name
    # Target PPP address        Target PPP hostname
    target_PPP                    target_name

Configuring UUCP
  1. Add the system name to /etc/uucp/Systems:

    # Name          Connect Hour    Device to Use   Connection speed
    target          Any             Direct          9600

  2. Add the device to /etc/uucp/Devices:

    # Name     Physical device      Unused     Connection speed    Direct Dialer
    #                                                              (no modem)
    Direct     cua/a                -          9600                direct

  3. Make sure that the dialer called direct exists in /etc/uucp/Dialers:

    host% grep direct /etc/uucp/Dialers

Configuring PPP
  1. Update the PPP configuration file /etc/

    #ident  "@(#)   1.10    93/07/07 SMI"
    # Copyright (c) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    # Sample asynchronous PPP /etc/ file
    #ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb mojave gobi up
    #       inactivity_timeout 120     # Approx. 2 minutes
    #       interface ipdptp0          
    #       peer_system_name Pgobi     # The name we log in with (also in
    #                                  # /etc/uucp/Systems
    ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb host_PPP target_PPP up
           interface ipdptp0
           peer_system_name .zsmon
           ipcp_async_map 0xa000
           inactivity_timeout 1000000