ChorusOS 4.0 Hot Restart Programmer's Guide

4.4 Site Restart

A site restart is a hot restart of the whole system. All data of boot actors are reset to their original values from the previously loaded archive, and the system enters its start-up phase again. As C_INIT restarts, sysadm.ini is executed again. Any calls to start restartable actors in the sysadm.ini file are ignored for a site restart, as all direct restartable actors are restarted automatically by the system once sysadm.ini has been read.

Note -

When the system is restarted, previously mounted disks are not automatically remounted. To solve this problem, ensure that they are mounted in the sysadm.ini file, or create a hot restartable actor that will mount the disks.

A site restart can be provoked automatically, by the Hot Restart Controller, according to the tunable parameters defining the system's restart policy. This is described in "2.1.3 Tunable Parameters".

To provoke a site restart programmatically, use the sysShutdown(2K) function call with the -i 1 arguments:

int sysShutdown (int argv, char** argc)

To provoke a site restart from the C_INIT command-line console, use the command shutdown -i 1 or restart(1M).