ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

Examples of Building a System Image

Here are two examples of how a system image is created using the steps outlined above. It is presumed that you have already installed the binary and source components for your chosen family, as outlined at the beginning of this Chapter.

Example 1: Standard System Generation

Example 1 illustrates standard system generation. The image which you create includes the generic kernel code, PowerPC drivers targeted for the genesis 2 board, generic kernel drivers, and the OS and the IOM components. This is termed a chorus system image.

  1. Create a work directory:

    host% mkdir work_dir

  2. Change to the work directory:

    host% cd work_dir
  3. Use the configure command with a build profile and a selection of components:

    host% configure -f <src_dir>/nucleus/sys/ppc60x/ppc60x \ 
    -s <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/powerpc/genesis2 \
    <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/powerpc \
    <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/drv \
    <src_dir>/os \
  4. Create a bootable system image named chorus:

    host% make chorus

    You could also type make build, and get the same result, as this system image is already defined in the Makefile.bin file of the NUCLEUS component.

Example 2: Kernonly Generation

The system image you create in this Example is the kernonly system and contains the generic kernel code, PowerPC drivers, and kernel generic driver component targeted for the genesis 2 board. You create this image in the first steps of porting a system to a new board. See ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide for more details.

  1. Create and change to a work directory as in Example 1.

  2. Use the configure command:

    host% configure -f <src_dir>/nucleus/sys/ppc60x/ppc60x \  
    -s <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/powerpc/genesis2\   
    <src_dir>/nucleus/bsp/powerpc \
  3. Create a bootable system image named kernonly, using the make command:

    host% make kernonly