ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

The IOM Build Directory

To look at a particular example of a built component, list the contents of the build directory for the IOM component, <work_dir>/build-IOM. This component's build directory contains five directories, three symbolic links and six files.

Table 4-6 Description of the Directories in the IOM Component's Build Directory
 Directories Description
include header files exported by the IOM component
lib libraries used by the IOM component
obj  object files needed to link the IOM component
src source files of the IOM component
confconfiguration files of the IOM component (used by mkmerge)

These five directories will be found in each source component's build directory.

Table 4-7 Symbolic Links Between the IOM Build Directory and the Source Files
 Symbolic Link Description
Makefile.bin exports interface with other components
Makefile.src describes how to build the IOM component
src.df build description file

Table 4-8 Files Generated in the IOM Build Directory
 File Description
DONE created by Makefile.src when compilation is complete
SUMproduced by Makefile.src
profile  created by the merge process, it contains merge options
merge.log created by the merge process, it contains all mkmerge output
export.lst the list of files to export; mkmake uses this file to determine which files it should copy and where to copy them to
Makefile the top level Makefile, produced by mkmk