ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

Chapter 7 XML Syntax

This Chapter gives a formal description of the XML language used in the ChorusOS configuration files.

The conf directory described throughout this document includes several XML files that you can use as examples when you need to modify the XML configuration files. The ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide also explains how to modify the XML configuration files when adapting ChorusOS to a new target platform.

XML Files

The grammar given here is a simplified overview of the ECML language. ECML is a language based on XML. The ECML DTD is located in <bin_dir>/tools/ews/ChorusOS.dtd file.

Table 7-1 Semantics of Grammar in XML Files
 [ a ]  means that the a element is optional and can be omitted
 { a | b } means that either the a element or the b element can be used
 a* means that the a element can be repeated 0 or more times
 a+ means that the a element can be repeated 1 or more times

The Attributes Tables in the sections below describe the XML attributes that can be used with the tags.


This is the topmost scope level. A configuration must start with a <configuration> tag.

  [ <description> ] [ <typedef>* ] [{ <definition> | <feature> | <tunable> ]*
  [ <setting>* ] [ <action>* ] [ <constraint>* ]
  [{ <folder> | <folderRef> }]*
Table 7-2 Attributes for Configuration
 Attribute Description
 name: string  Name of the configuration

Folder Declaration

A folder is used to scope variables, and to set up a hierarchy in the ChorusOS system configuration. A condition can be used on a folder to disable it (if the condition evaluates to false). Any element located in a disabled folder is also disabled.

  [ <description> ] [ <typedef>* ] [ <definition> | <feature> | <tunable> ]*
  [ <setting>* ] [ <action>* ] [ <constraint>* ]
  [ <folder> | <folderRef> ]*
Table 7-3 Attributes for Folder
 Attribute Description
 name: string  Name of the folder
 visible: 'yes' or 'no'  Default: 'yes'. Specifies if a configuration tool should show this folder or not. If the folder is not visible, all of its content is hidden as well.

Folder Link

A folder link is used to include another file. This is used to split the configuration into several files.

Table 7-4 Attributes for Folder Link
 Attribute Description
 href: URL Path of the file to include
 visible: 'yes' or 'no' Default: 'yes'. Specifies if the content of the included file must be visible in a configuration tool.


This is used to bind a description to an element. The description text can be displayed in a configuration tool.

<description> text


This is used to declare a variable. The declaration is fully typed, and can be conditioned by a <condition> boolean expression. If the condition evaluates to 'false', the variable is not declared.

  [ <description> ] [ <condition> ] type_content [{ expression | <value>* }]
Table 7-5 Attributes of Definition
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of the variable to declare
 configurable: 'yes' or 'no' Default: 'no'. Specifies if the value of this variable can be changed with a configuration tool.
 visible: 'yes' or 'no' Default: 'no'. Specifies if this variable declaration must be visible in a configuration tool.
 global: 'yes' or 'no' Default: 'yes'. Specifies if this variable is scoped into the folder where it is declared.


This is used to declare a ChorusOS system feature. A feature declaration has the same semantics as a variable declaration, but it is always visible, configurable, and global.

  [ <description> ] [ <condition> ] type_content [ <const> | boolean_values ]
Table 7-6 Attributes for Feature
 Attribute Description
 name: string  Name of variable to declare


This is used to declare a ChorusOS system tunable. A tunable declaration has the same semantics as a variable declaration, but it is always visible, configurable, and global.

  [ <description> ] [ <condition> ] type_content [ <const> | boolean_const ]
Table 7-7 Attributes for Tunable
 Attribute Description
 name: string  Name of the variable to declare

Boolean Constants

This defines the 'true' and 'false' boolean constants.

  { <true> | <false> }

Type Content

This is the set of types available for variable declarations.

  { <bool> | <int> | <string> | <enum> | <struct> | <list> | <type> }


This is used to declare a variable as an integer. An integer is assigned a value of 64 bits.

Table 7-8 Attribute for Integer
 Attribute Description
 min: integer value  Minimum value authorized for this integer.
 max: integer value  Maximum value authorized for this integer.


This is used to declare a variable as a string.



This is used to declare an enumerated value. The <const> sub-elements define all the possible values of the enumeration.



This is used to declare a structured variable.


Structure Fields

This is used to describe the characteristics of a structure field.

  [ <description> ] type_content expression
Table 7-9 Attributes of Field
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of the field
 optional: 'yes' or 'no' Default 'no'. Specifies if this field can be omitted when setting the initial value of a variable in its declaration.
 ref-only: 'yes' or 'no' Default 'no'. Specifies if this field contains only a references to another variable.


Used to declare a list variable. The type_content sub-element is used to type the element of the list.

Table 7-10 Attributes of List
 Attribute Description
 ref-only: 'yes' or 'no' Specifies if this list only contains references to other variables.

Boolean Expressions

Boolean expressions are written in a post-fixed notation. They are used wherever a boolean result is expected.

  { boolean_const | <and> | <or> | <not> | <equal> | <notequal> |
    <ifdef> | <imply> }


Generic expressions are an extension of boolean expressions which can produce variable reference, string, or enumeration constants.

  { boolean_expression | <ref> | <vstring> | <const> }

Variable Reference

This is used to reference another variable by its name. The variable must be declared and accessible in the scope of this reference.

Table 7-11 Attributes of Variable Reference
 Attribute Description
 name:string Name of the referenced variable.

Test of Variable Existence

This test returns true if the specified variable exists or has been declared.

Table 7-12 Attribute of Variable Existence
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of the referenced variable.

Variable value

This allows you to get the current value of a variable. The specified variable must have been declared previously.

Table 7-13 Attributes of Variable Value
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of the variable.


A condition is used to validate or invalidate an element.



This declares a new type. A type definition is global in the configuration, and can be used in a 'type' reference.

  [ <description> ] type_content


This is used to reference a type definition.

Table 7-14 Attributes of Type
 Attribute Description
 name: string  Name of the referenced type. This type must have been declared in a typeDef.
 ref-only: 'yes' or 'no' Specifies if this type denotes a reference.


This is the assignment of a variable . The named variable is assigned with the given value. The variable must already have been declared before, and the value must have a correct type.

  [ <description> ] [ <condition> ] type_content { expression | <value>* }
Table 7-15 Attribute of Setting
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of variable


A constraint is a boolean expression used to ensure the integrity of the configuration. If a constraint has a false value, the configuration tool considers the configuration to be invalid, and not to be used to generate a ChorusOS system image.

  [ <description> ] boolean_expression
Table 7-16 Attribute of Constraint
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of the constraint.


An action takes a parameter which specifies the precise effect that will be performed by a configuration tool.

  [ <description> ] [ <condition> ] <application> {<definition>|expression}
Table 7-17 Attribute of Action
 Attribute Description
 name: string Name of the action

Action Application

This determines which action of the configuration tool will be applied. Currently, only the configure application exists and uses a variable typed as Configure structure as a parameter.
