ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

Which Family, Target and Profile

Table 2-1 gives the profile and board dependent components (such as BSP, boot and family specific driver code) to be used with the configure command. The PATHs are given relative to <src_dir>.

Table 2-1 List of board dependent components
 Paths Component
 PowerPC Board 
 nucleus/ppc60x/ppc60x profile
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc/genesis2 bsp
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc driver family
 MCP750 board 
 nucleus/ppc60x/ppc60x profile
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc/mcp750 bsp
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc driver family
 SBC8260 board 
 nucleus/mpc8260/mpc8260 profile
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc/sbc8260 bsp
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc driver family
 MPC860 board 
 nucleus/mpc860/mpc860 profile
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc/mpc8xxADS bsp
 nucleus/bsp/powerpc driver family
 CP1500 board 
 nucleus/usparc/usparc  profile
 nucleus/bsp/usparc/cp1500 bsp
 nucleus/bsp/usparc driver family
 i386AT board 
 nucleus/x86/x86 profile
 nucleus/bsp/x86/i386at bsp
 nucleus/bsp/x86 driver family

All examples given in this document are for the PowerPC family and the genesis2 board. For further information on the family and board that you are using, refer to the ChorusOS 4.0 Target Family Documentation Collection.