ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide

.df Files

The .df files are used as shell scripts that are launched when the Makefile is created to adjust variables before they are written into the Makefile. The .df files define the following variables:

The .df files have similar properties to the Project.tmpl files of the imake tool. See ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction for further information. They affect the building of the Makefiles for all the subdirectories. With mkmk, you can have several .df files in each directory of the source tree. This contrasts with the imake tool, which has only one Project.tmpl file per component.

The inheritance mechanism of the mkmk tool is different from that of the imake tool. With mkmk, every Makefile is dependent on the Makefile present in the parent directory. However, with imake, every Makefile is dependent on the Project.tmpl file present in the top-level of the component and on the few variables which are inherited from the parent directory. The variable and macros are defined in the production tools. Table 4-2 lists those which you must not modify and Table 4-3 lists those which you may modify.

Table 4-2 Variables for the .df files, that must not be changed
 MKRULES <bin_dir>/tools/tgt-make/mktgt.rf
 GROOT  ../../
 BDIR <bin_dir>
 BNAME kern
 BFILESList of .bf files found in your work directory
 MFILESList of .lf files found in your work directory

Table 4-3 Variables in the .df files that you can modify
 DEFINES List of macro definitions to use in every compilation rule
 INCLUDES List of directories to search for header files
 VARIABLESThe list of user defined variables to export in Makefiles produced in subdirectories
 SUB_DIRS The list of directories to use when compiling; these are usually the subdirectories of your work directory
 EXTRA_DIRS A list of directories to use, in addition to SUB_DIRS, when creating libraries or linking actors (usually empty)
 MODULES The name of the module to which the object in your work directory (and subdirectories) belong; this is only useful in configurable actors
 FEXCEPTION  (ON/OFF); Compile with exception support
 FFPU  (ON/OFF): Compile with FPU support
 FOPTIM  (ON/OFF): Compile with optimization
 FPROF  (ON/OFF): Support for profiling
 FREMOTEDEB  (ON/OFF): Compile with debug options, to enable debug with XRAY
 FVERBOSE (ON/OFF): Verbose compilations
 FWARN (STRICT/ON/OFF): Enable warnings production during compilation; with STRICT, warnings are treated as errors, the NUCLEUS component uses STRICT