ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction
 ACTOR_EXTENDED_MNGT, description of ( Index Term Link )
  adding them to the system image using ews ( Index Term Link )
   definition of ( Index Term Link )
  building ( Index Term Link )
  communicating between ( Index Term Link )
  context of ( Index Term Link )
  definition of ( Index Term Link )
  determining privilege of ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic linking example ( Index Term Link )
  dynamically loading ( Index Term Link )
  embedding ( Index Term Link )
  execution environment of ( Index Term Link )
  loading ( Index Term Link )
  multi-threaded ( Index Term Link )
  multithreaded ( Index Term Link )
  naming ( Index Term Link )
  spawning ( Index Term Link )
  supervisor ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  terminating ( Index Term Link )
  types of ( Index Term Link )
  user ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 address spaces, user and supervisor ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_CHORUSSTAT, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_IFCONFIG, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_MOUNT, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_NETSTAT, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_RARP, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_ROUTE, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_SHUTDOWN, description of ( Index Term Link )
 AF_LOCAL, description of ( Index Term Link )
 afexecve(), example use of ( Index Term Link )
 allocating memory ( Index Term Link )
 allocating memory regions ( Index Term Link )
  See application programming interfaces
  basic environment ( Index Term Link )
  Console Input/Output ( Index Term Link )
  extended environment ( Index Term Link )
  GNU 2.7.1 C++ ( Index Term Link )
  Mathematical ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX Input/Output ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX Micro Real-time Profile ( Index Term Link )
  Sun RPC ( Index Term Link )
 application debugging
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  steps involved in ( Index Term Link )
  system debugging with ( Index Term Link )
 application programming interfaces, overview of ( Index Term Link )
 applications.xml ( Index Term Link )
 basic configuration profile, feature settings ( Index Term Link )
 basic environment
  APIs in ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
 basic profile, description of ( Index Term Link )
 basic scheduling control ( Index Term Link )
 Benchmarking, description of ( Index Term Link )
 Bootmonitor, description of ( Index Term Link )
 BPF, description of ( Index Term Link )
 build environment
  imake ( Index Term Link )
  mkmk ( Index Term Link )
 C_INIT ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  commands ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
  ethIpcStackAttach ( Index Term Link )
  steps executed at system start-up by ( Index Term Link )
 C_INIT authentication, reasons for failing ( Index Term Link )
 C_INIT options
  LOCAL_CONSOLE ( Index Term Link )
  RSH ( Index Term Link )
 chadmin ( Index Term Link )
 chconsole ( Index Term Link )
 chls command ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 chorusos.brd file
  description of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 chserver ( Index Term Link )
  starting and configuring ( Index Term Link )
 command-line configuration tool, configurator
  See also graphical configuration tool
 compilation options, make environment ( Index Term Link )
 compiling and linking, information for ( Index Term Link )
 configuration files ( Index Term Link )
 configuration options, types of ( Index Term Link )
 configuration profiles
  basic ( Index Term Link )
  extended ( Index Term Link )
  selecting ( Index Term Link )
 configuration tools ( Index Term Link )
 configurator ( Index Term Link )
 core executive, description of ( Index Term Link )
 creating threads ( Index Term Link )
 DATE, description of ( Index Term Link )
 dchls command
  See chls command
 DEBUG_SYSTEM, description of ( Index Term Link )
  activating ( Index Term Link )
  tunable options in ( Index Term Link )
  enabling for imake components ( Index Term Link )
  enabling for mkmk components ( Index Term Link )
  preparing for ( Index Term Link )
  symbolic ( Index Term Link )
  troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
 debugging architecture, debugging modes within ( Index Term Link )
 debugging modes
  application ( Index Term Link )
  system ( Index Term Link )
 DebugServer ( Index Term Link )
  configuration file ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variable ( Index Term Link )
  slot numbers ( Index Term Link )
  starting ( Index Term Link )
  starting and configuring ( Index Term Link )
  stopping ( Index Term Link )
 Default Console, description of ( Index Term Link )
 default scheduler, CLASS_FIFO ( Index Term Link )
 deleting threads ( Index Term Link )
 descriptors, memory region ( Index Term Link )
 /dev, description of ( Index Term Link )
 DEV_MEM, description of ( Index Term Link )
 developing an application ( Index Term Link )
 development environment, components of ( Index Term Link )
 development lifecycle ( Index Term Link )
 dlopen(), example using ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic applications, support for ( Index Term Link )
 DYNAMIC_LIB, description of
 dynamic libraries
  building ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic parameters ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic process management, description of
  See also IPC
 dynamic programming ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic programs, building ( Index Term Link )
  imake ( Index Term Link )
  make ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables
  adding using ews ( Index Term Link )
  changing using ews ( Index Term Link )
  deleting using ews ( Index Term Link )
  modifying using ews ( Index Term Link )
  runtime linker ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/security ( Index Term Link )
 EVENT, description of ( Index Term Link )
 event flags ( Index Term Link )
 ews, using ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic ( Index Term Link )
  relocatable ( Index Term Link )
 extended configuration profile, feature settings ( Index Term Link )
 extended environment
  APIs in ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
  running "Hello World" example in ( Index Term Link )
 extended profile, description of ( Index Term Link )
 feature, definition of ( Index Term Link )
 feature options
  See configuration options
 feature settings
  basic configuration profile ( Index Term Link )
  extended configuration profile ( Index Term Link )
  ACTOR_EXTENDED_MNGT ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_CHORUSSTAT ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_IFCONFIG ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_MOUNT ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_NETSTAT ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_RARP ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_ROUTE ( Index Term Link )
  ADMIN_SHUTDOWN ( Index Term Link )
  AF_LOCAL ( Index Term Link )
  BPF ( Index Term Link )
  configuring using ews ( Index Term Link )
  DATE ( Index Term Link )
  DEBUG_SYSTEM ( Index Term Link )
  DEV_MEM ( Index Term Link )
  DYNAMIC_LIB ( Index Term Link )
  EVENT ( Index Term Link )
  FIFOFS ( Index Term Link )
  FLASH ( Index Term Link )
  FS_MAPPER ( Index Term Link )
  GZ_FILE ( Index Term Link )
  HOT_RESTART ( Index Term Link )
  IDE_DISK ( Index Term Link )
  IOM_IPC ( Index Term Link )
  IOM_OSI ( Index Term Link )
  IPC ( Index Term Link )
  IPC configuration ( Index Term Link )
  IPC_REMOTE ( Index Term Link )
  IPC_REMOTE_COMM ( Index Term Link )
  LAPBIND ( Index Term Link )
  LAPSAFE ( Index Term Link )
  LOCAL_CONSOLE ( Index Term Link )
  LOG ( Index Term Link )
  MIPC ( Index Term Link )
  MON ( Index Term Link )
  MSDOSFS ( Index Term Link )
  NFS_CLIENT ( Index Term Link )
  NFS_SERVER ( Index Term Link )
  ON_DEMAND_PAGING ( Index Term Link )
  PERF ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX_MQ ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX_SHM ( Index Term Link )
  POSIX_SOCKETS ( Index Term Link )
  PPP ( Index Term Link )
  RAM_DISK ( Index Term Link )
  ROUND_ROBIN ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  RSH ( Index Term Link )
  RTC ( Index Term Link )
  RTMUTEX ( Index Term Link )
  SCSI_DISK ( Index Term Link )
  SEM ( Index Term Link )
  SLIP ( Index Term Link )
  TIMER ( Index Term Link )
  UFS ( Index Term Link )
  USER_MODE ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to add ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to list ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to remove ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to view descriptions of ( Index Term Link )
  VTIMER ( Index Term Link )
  VTTY ( Index Term Link )
 FIFO scheduler ( Index Term Link )
 FIFOFS, description of ( Index Term Link )
 FLASH, description of ( Index Term Link )
 freeing memory regions ( Index Term Link )
 FS_MAPPER, description of ( Index Term Link )
 function, dlopen() ( Index Term Link )
 glossary ( Index Term Link )
 graphical configuration tool, ews
  See also command-line configuration tool
 GZ_FILE, description of
 header files ( Index Term Link )
 host file system, mounting, See root file system ( Index Term Link )
 HOT_RESTART, description of ( Index Term Link )
 hot restart, description of ( Index Term Link )
 IDE_DISK, description of ( Index Term Link )
 /image/sys_bank, description of ( Index Term Link )
  build rules ( Index Term Link )
  building dynamic executables with ( Index Term Link )
  building dynamic libraries with ( Index Term Link )
  example using ( Index Term Link )
  packaging rules ( Index Term Link )
  using multiple source files with ( Index Term Link )
  variable definitions ( Index Term Link )
 imake environment ( Index Term Link )
 inter-process communication ( Index Term Link )
 IOM_IPC ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
 IOM_OSI, description of ( Index Term Link )
 IPC ( Index Term Link )
 IPC ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 IPC, configurations of ( Index Term Link )
 IPC, description of ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 IPC_REMOTE ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
 IPC_REMOTE_COMM ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
 LAP, See local access points ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
 LAPBIND, description of ( Index Term Link )
 LAPSAFE, description of ( Index Term Link )
 libraries ( Index Term Link )
  choosing ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic ( Index Term Link )
  naming conventions of ( Index Term Link )
  static ( Index Term Link )
 linking, static and dynamic ( Index Term Link )
 Local Access Points
  See LAP
 local access points, definition of ( Index Term Link )
 LOCAL_CONSOLE, description of ( Index Term Link )
 local IPC ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
 local IPC + remote IPC ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
 local IPC + remote IPC over VME ( Index Term Link )
  configuring ( Index Term Link )
 LOG, description of ( Index Term Link )
 Logging, description of ( Index Term Link )
 _main routine ( Index Term Link )
 make environment ( Index Term Link )
 management utilities ( Index Term Link )
  Benchmarking ( Index Term Link )
  Bootmonitor ( Index Term Link )
  Default Console ( Index Term Link )
  Logging ( Index Term Link )
  Monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  Profiling ( Index Term Link )
  Remote Shell ( Index Term Link )
  Resource Status ( Index Term Link )
 MEM_FLAT, description of ( Index Term Link )
 MEM_PROTECTED, description of ( Index Term Link )
 MEM_VIRTUAL, description of ( Index Term Link )
 memory, sharing ( Index Term Link )
 memory management models
  MEM_FLAT ( Index Term Link )
  MEM_PROTECTED ( Index Term Link )
  MEM_VIRTUAL ( Index Term Link )
 memory protection, description of ( Index Term Link )
 memory region descriptors ( Index Term Link )
 memory regions
  allocating ( Index Term Link )
  freeing ( Index Term Link )
 message pools
  allocating messages from ( Index Term Link )
  definition of ( Index Term Link )
 message queues ( Index Term Link )
  getting messages from ( Index Term Link )
  posting messages to ( Index Term Link )
  use of ( Index Term Link )
 message spaces ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )
 messages, definition of ( Index Term Link )
 MIPC ( Index Term Link )
 MIPC, description of ( Index Term Link )
 MON, description of ( Index Term Link )
 Monitoring, description of ( Index Term Link )
  host file system
   See root file system
  root file system ( Index Term Link )
 MSDOSFS, description of ( Index Term Link )
 multi-threaded actors ( Index Term Link )
 mutexes ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 naming actors ( Index Term Link )
  See also AF_LOCAL
  See also PPP
  See also SLIP
 NFS_CLIENT, description of ( Index Term Link )
 NFS_SERVER, description of ( Index Term Link )
 non-secured mode, description of ( Index Term Link )
 ON_DEMAND_PAGING, description of ( Index Term Link )
 operating system
  how constants are defined ( Index Term Link )
  how data types are defined ( Index Term Link )
  how error codes are defined ( Index Term Link )
 operating system components, description of ( Index Term Link )
  dynamic ( Index Term Link )
  static ( Index Term Link )
  tunable ( Index Term Link )
 PERF, description of ( Index Term Link )
 performance profiling
  analyzing reports ( Index Term Link )
  clock ( Index Term Link )
  compiler options ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  feature options needed for ( Index Term Link )
  full form ( Index Term Link )
  generating reports ( Index Term Link )
  library ( Index Term Link )
  server ( Index Term Link )
  simple form ( Index Term Link )
  starting a session ( Index Term Link )
  stopping a session ( Index Term Link )
  tool set ( Index Term Link )
  CLASS_FIFO ( Index Term Link )
  CLASS_RR ( Index Term Link )
 port numbers ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX_MQ, description of ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX_SHM, description of ( Index Term Link )
 POSIX_SOCKETS, description of ( Index Term Link )
 PPP, description of ( Index Term Link )
  basic ( Index Term Link )
  extended ( Index Term Link )
 Profiling, description of ( Index Term Link )
 program entry points ( Index Term Link )
 RAM_DISK, description of ( Index Term Link )
  See RDBC
 RDBC ( Index Term Link )
  configuring and using ( Index Term Link )
  See RDBS
 RDBS ( Index Term Link )
 rdbs ( Index Term Link )
 RDBS, configuring and using ( Index Term Link )
 remote IPC over Ethernet, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 remote IPC over VME, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 Remote Shell, description of ( Index Term Link )
 Resource Status, description of ( Index Term Link )
 root file system, mounting ( Index Term Link )
 ROUND_ROBIN, description of ( Index Term Link )
 RSH, description of ( Index Term Link )
 rsh command
  available options of ( Index Term Link )
  communicating with the target using ( Index Term Link )
 RTC, description of ( Index Term Link )
 RTMUTEX, description of ( Index Term Link )
 runtime linker
  environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  functions performed by ( Index Term Link )
  supported features ( Index Term Link )
 scheduler, description of ( Index Term Link )
 scheduling, threads ( Index Term Link )
 scheduling policy, description of ( Index Term Link )
 scheduling threads ( Index Term Link )
 SCSI_DISK, description of ( Index Term Link )
 secure mode, configuring the operating system in ( Index Term Link )
 SEM, description of ( Index Term Link )
 semaphore synchronization objects ( Index Term Link )
 semaphores ( Index Term Link )
  atomic operations available on ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 serial device, identifying ( Index Term Link )
 sharing memory ( Index Term Link )
 site number, description of ( Index Term Link )
 SLIP, description of ( Index Term Link )
 slot numbers ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 _start routine ( Index Term Link )
 static parameters ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Embedded Workshop
  architecture diagram ( Index Term Link )
  components in ( Index Term Link )
  supported processor families ( Index Term Link )
 supervisor actors ( Index Term Link )
 synchronizing threads ( Index Term Link )
  description of ( Index Term Link )
  example commands of ( Index Term Link )
 system debugging
  application debugging with ( Index Term Link )
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  steps involved in ( Index Term Link )
 system environment, using configurator to modify ( Index Term Link )
 system image
  adding actors to ( Index Term Link )
  configuring using ews ( Index Term Link )
  embedding actors into ( Index Term Link )
  rebuilding ( Index Term Link )
  rebuilding using ews ( Index Term Link )
 system images
  chorus ( Index Term Link )
  kernonly ( Index Term Link )
  deactivating ( Index Term Link )
  permanently removing ( Index Term Link )
  reactivating ( Index Term Link )
  registering ( Index Term Link )
  updating information ( Index Term Link )
 thread scheduling ( Index Term Link )
 thread semaphores ( Index Term Link )
 threads ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  creating ( Index Term Link )
  deleting ( Index Term Link )
  obtaining local identifier ( Index Term Link )
  per-thread data ( Index Term Link )
  scheduling ( Index Term Link )
  synchronizing ( Index Term Link )
  tools for synchronizing ( Index Term Link )
 time management, options ( Index Term Link )
 time management services, list of ( Index Term Link )
 TIMER, description of ( Index Term Link )
 timer services ( Index Term Link )
  arming ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 Tools support ( Index Term Link )
 tunable parameters ( Index Term Link )
  configuring using ews ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to change ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to list ( Index Term Link )
  using configurator to view descriptions of ( Index Term Link )
 UFS, description of ( Index Term Link )
 user actors ( Index Term Link )
 USER_MODE, description of ( Index Term Link )
 VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_SPACE, description of ( Index Term Link )
 VTIMER, description of ( Index Term Link )
 VTTY, description of ( Index Term Link )
 waiting threads ( Index Term Link )
 XRAY ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  example session with RDBS ( Index Term Link )
  start-up script ( Index Term Link )