ChorusOS 4.0.1 Simulator for the Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC Platform Edition) Target Family Guide

Building the ChorusOS Simulator

Building the Simulator System Image

The following procedures assume that the ChorusOS Simulator product has already been correctly installed on the host workstation. See the ChorusOS 4.0 Installation Guide for Solaris Hosts.

  1. Create and change to a build directory where you will build system images:

    $ mkdir build_dir
    $ cd build_dir
  2. Set an environment variable to use with the configure(1CC) command as a shortcut to the base directory.

    For example:

    Set the environment variable... 

    To the family-specific product directory. The default value is... 



  3. Make sure your path has been set correctly to include the directory install_dir/4.0.1/chorus-upSparc/tools/host/bin, where the default install_dir is /opt/SUNWconn/SEW.

    Also make sure that your PATH includes /usr/openwin/bin, which contains the imake utility.

  4. Configure the build directory, using the configure(1CC) command.

    $ configure -b $DIR/kernel \
    $DIR/os \
    $DIR/tools \
    -s $DIR/src/nucleus/bsp/up \
    $DIR/src/nucleus/bsp/up/upSparcSolaris \
    $DIR/src/nucleus/bsp/drv \

    Note -

    The above command configures the build directory to include components installed during a "Default Install". It does not include optional components, such as the X library, code examples or components related to add-on packages, that you may choose to install separately on Solaris host workstations. For example, in order to include everything in your build environment:

    $ configure -b $DIR/kernel \
    $DIR/os \
    $DIR/opt/X11 \
    $DIR/tools \
    -s $DIR/src/nucleus/bsp/up \
    $DIR/src/nucleus/bsp/up/upSparcSolaris \
    $DIR/src/nucleus/bsp/drv \
    $DIR/src/iom \

    If you are building from the source distribution, see the ChorusOS 4.0 Production Guide.

    As a result of configuration, build_dir contains a Makefile, which is used to generate the build environment, and a Paths file which specifies paths to files required by and created in the build environment.

  5. Generate the build environment:

    $ make
  6. Build a system image:

    $ make chorus

    The resulting system image file is located in the build directory, build_dir and is called chorus.RAM.

    Note -

    You can also make a smaller system image that includes only the operating system kernel:

    $ make kernonly

Please refer to the ChorusOS 4.0.1 Simulator for the Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC Platform Edition) User's Guide for information on configuring and running your simulator system image.