ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Using Local Access Points

The svLapCreate() system call creates a new local access point for the actor designated by the actor capability (KnCap).

The svLapBind() system call binds the LAP descriptor pointed to by lapdesc with the symbolic name pointed to by name.

The svLapDelete() system call deletes the local access point whose descriptor is pointed to by lapdesc.

The following example demonstrates a POSIX application that uses these restricted microkernel calls. To launch the example, type:

rsh <target_name> lap <lapserver>

Example 10-1 Creating and Invoking LAPs

This example applies to supervisor actors only. It is a POSIX application, running in privileged mode.

(file: progov/lap.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <chorus.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <lap/chLap.h>
#include <exec/chExec.h>

KnCap            actorCap;  
KnLapDesc        lapDesc;
char*            lapArgument;
KnTimeVal        timeval;

lapHandler(char* message, char* cookie)
    int          res;

    res = actorSelf(&actorCap);
    if (res != K_OK) {                                                
        printf("actorSelf failed, returns %d\n",res);                 

    printf("LAP handler is running \n");
    printf("     thread LI = %d, actor UI = 0x%x 0x%x\n", 
           threadSelf(), actorCap.ui.uiHead, actorCap.ui.uiTail);
    printf("     Argument = %s, cookie = %s\n",message, cookie);

int main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
    int              res;
    KnActorPrivilege actorP;
    char*            cookie  = "Chorus";
    char*            spawn_args[4];

    res = actorPrivilege(K_MYACTOR, &actorP, NULL);
    if (res != K_OK) {                                                
        printf("Cannot get actor privilege, error %d\n", res);        

    if (argc == 1) {
        printf("Must be run with one argument: LAP name\n");

    if (argc == 2) {
             * This is the Server process.
             *  connect a LAP handler,
             *  bind a symbolic name to the LAP (name given as argv[1])
             *  spawn a client actor (give LAP symbolic name in argument)
             *  wait one minute for Lap invocation

             * Spawn the client process
        if (actorP != K_SUPACTOR) {
            printf("This program must be run in supervisor mode\n");

        spawn_args[0] = argv[0];
        spawn_args[1] = argv[1];
        spawn_args[2] = "ARGH";
        spawn_args[3] = NULL;

        res = posix_spawnp(NULL, spawn_args[0], NULL, 
	      NULL, spawn_args, NULL);
        if (res < 0) {                                              
            printf("Cannot spawn client actor, error %d\n", res);   

             * Create the LAP
        res = svLapCreate(K_MYACTOR, (KnLapHdl) lapHandler,
                          cookie, K_LAP_SETJMP, &lapDesc);
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("svLapCreate failed, returns %d\n",res);           

             * Bind a symbolic name
        res = svLapBind(&lapDesc, argv[1], 0);
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("svLapBind failed, returns %d\n",res);             

             * Wait one minute
             * Other client processes can be run from the console:
             *     rsh target lap lap-name lap-argument
        timeval.tmSec = 60;
        timeval.tmNSec = 0;
        (void) threadDelay(&timeVal);

             * Unbind the LAP name and Delete the LAP

        res = svLapUnbind(argv[1]);
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("svLapUnBind failed, returns %d\n",res);           

        res = svLapDelete(&lapDesc); 
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("svLapDelete failed, returns %d\n",res);           
        printf("Server actor is leaving ...\n"); 

    } else {
             * This is the Client Actor:
             * argv[1] is the LAP name, argv[2] is the LAP argument.
             * Get the LAP descriptor and invoke the LAP handler.
        res = actorSelf(&actorCap);
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("actorSelf failed ! Return code = %d\n",res);       
        printf("Client actor is running, thread li = %d, "
               "actor UI = 0x%x 0x%x\n",
               threadSelf(), actorCap.ui.uiHead, actorCap.ui.uiTail);
             * Get the LAP descriptor knowing its name
        res = lapResolve(&lapDesc, argv[1], 0);
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("lapResolve failed, returns %d\n", res);           
             * Invoke the LAP handler
        res = lapInvoke(&lapDesc, argv[2]);
        if (res != K_OK) {                                            
            printf("lapInvoke failed, returns %d\n", res);            
        printf("Client actor is leaving ...\n");
    return 0;

In the previous example, the main thread:

The spawned actor: