ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Preparing to Create a Performance Profile

Configuring the System

To perform system performance profiling using the ChorusOS Profiler, a ChorusOS target system must include the NFS_CLIENT feature option.

Launch the performance profiling server (the PROF process) dynamically, using:

% rsh -n target arun PROF &

Compiling the Application

If you require full report forms, the profiled components must be compiled using the performance profiling compiler options (usually, the -p option).

If you are using the imake environment provided with the ChorusOS operating system:

In either case, add the following line:


The performance profiling option can be added dynamically by calling make with the compiler profiling option:

% make PROF=-p  

The preceding call must be made in the directory of the program that is to be performance profiled.

Launching a Performance Profiled Application

In this section, it is assumed that the application consists of a single supervisor process, the_process, it is also assumed that the target system is named trumpet, and that the target tree is mounted under the $CHORUS_ROOT host directory.

An application being performance profiled, can be either:

The -k option enables the debugger to access the symbol table of the process_name. This option is ignored for user processes.

Note -

Although the previous example was performed on a supervisor process, a user process can also be profiled, using the same method.