ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Using the Filtering APIs

The following example illustrates the use of tags in libraries and some filtering interfaces. It also shows what a black box dump should look like.

Example 14-2 Using the Filtering APIs

#include <sys/blackbox.h>

#define SEV_TRACE 8 
#define SEV_INIT  15
#define SEV_HIGH  28
#define SEV_OOM   30

foo_init(foo_t **fp, hat_t *hp)
  hat_t *nhp;
  bar_t *bp;
  uint_t total_reqs, i;
  *fp = NULL;

  if (hp == NULL) {
    bb_event("libA:foo_init", SEV_TRACE, "hat pointer is NULL, skipping");
    return (0);

  for (nhp = hp, total_reqs = 0; nhp != NULL; nhp = nhp->hat_next)
      total_reqs += hp->hat_reqs;
  bb_event("libA:foo_init", SEV_TRACE, "total of %d requests", total_reqs);
  if (total_reqs == 0)
      return (0);

  *fp = (foo_t *)malloc(sizeof (foo_t));
  if (*fp == NULL) {
      bb_event("libA:foo_init", SEV_OOM, "out of memory for foo_t");
      return (-1);

  bp = (bar_t *)malloc(total_reqs * sizeof (bar_t));
  if (bp == NULL) {
      bb_event("libA:foo_init", SEV_OOM,
               "no memory for %d bars", total_reqs);
      return (-1);

  (*fp)->foo_array = bp;
  (*fp)->foo_hatptr = hp;
  (*fp)->foo_reqcnt = total_reqs;

  for (nhp = hp; nhp != NULL;
      nhp = nhp->hat_next, bp += nhp->hat_reqs) {
      nhp->hat_array = bp;

  for (i = 0; i < nhp->hat_reqs; i++)
      bp->bar_id = i;
  bb_event("libA:foo_init", SEV_INIT, "foo at %p created", *fp);

  return (0);

Within the program itself:

int process_hatlist(hat_t *hp)
  foo_t *fp;

  bb_event("process_hatlist", SEV_TRACE, "received hat list %p", hp);
  if (foo_init(&fp, hp) != 0) {
      bb_event("process_hatlist", SEV_HIGH,
               "cant make foo for hatlist %p", hp);
      return ( 1);

  if (fp != NULL) {

  return (0);

Given the program from the previous example, the following examples illustrate filters and the potential black box traces that they may generate. (Note that this is simply an example trace format and may bear no resemblance to any output an administrative CLI program might display.)

Example 14-3 Filter and Trace Showing Successful Execution


bb_filter_t filts[] = {
		{ 0, "libA:foo_init" },
bb_prodid_t prods[] = {
bb_severity_t sev;
BB_SEV_SET_LIMIT(SEV_TRACE, &filts[0].bbf_severity);
bb_setfilters(filts, 1);
bb_setprodids(prods, 1);


2000 03 15 18:56:02.928980 hatrouter[2583/1]: libA:foo_init(8):
		total of 93 requests
2000-03-15 18:56:02.929301 hatrouter[2583/1]: libA:foo_init(15):
		foo at 0x78a89380 created
2000-03-15 18:56:03.017327 foodb[2448/1]: libA:foo_init(8):
		total of 93 requests
2000-03-15 18:56:03.017936 foodb[2448/1]: libA:foo_init(15):
		foo at 0x300004bc8d8 created

In the previous example, the filter and trace indicate that for both producers, foo_init was successful. No errors ocurred and the chain of 93 hat_ts were successfully passed from the hatrouter to the foodb. The number after the tag libA:foo_init indicates the severity level of the event.

Example 14-4 Filter and Trace Showing Unsuccessful Execution


bb_filter_t filts[] = {
		{ 0, BB_ALL_TAGS },
bb_prodid_t prods[] = {
		{ "hatrouter", BB_ALL_PIDS }
bb_severity_t sev;
BB_SEV_SET_LIMIT(SEV_TRACE, &filts[0].bbf_severity);
bb_setfilters(filts, 1);
bb_setprodids(prods, 1);


2000-03-15 19:33:28.139821 hatrouter[2583/1]: process_hatlist(8):
		received hat list 0x7f78a190
2000-03-15 19:33:28.148295 hatrouter[2583/1]: libA:foo_init(30):
		out of memory for 28173 bar's
2000-03-15 19:33:28.148376 hatrouter[2583/1]: process_hatlist(28):
		can't make foo for hat list 0x7f78a190

In the previous example, the filter and trace suggest that the hatrouter received an extremely long chain of hat_ts and could not allocate enough bar_ts to back them up.