ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Using imake with Multiple Source Files

If an application used source files located in several subdirectories, you need to create a root Imakefile in the root directory, containing only the following:

#define IHaveSubdirs
SUBDIRS = subdir1 subdir2 ...

Where subdir1, subdir2, ... are the subdirectories containing the source files (or other intermediate root Imakefile files). Next, create an Imakefile in each subdirectory containing source files. To generate the first Makefile, go to the root directory and type:

% ChorusOSMkMf build_dir

Next, populate the tree with Makefile files, generate dependencies and finally compile the programs by typing make Makefiles, make depend, and then make.

% make Makefiles   
% make depend   
% make

The compiled program is now ready to be executed.

Note -

Examples of Imakefiles which can be modified and used to build your own applications are provided in install_dir/chorus_family/src/opt/examples.