ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Explicit Linking of a Shared Library Using dlopen

The following procedure enables a shared program to load a shared library explicitly.

Linking a Shared Library Using dlopen
  1. Create the library file.

    Copy the libdyn2.c file into the libshared2dir directory and rename it libshared2.c. The following Imakefile will build a shared library called

    FPIC = ON
    SRCS = libshared2.c
    SharedLibraryTarget (, libshared2.o,,,,)

  2. Create the program file.

    Copy the progdyn2.c file into the progshared2dir directory and rename it progshared2.c. The following Imakefile will build a PIC binary object file called progshared2.o and an executable file called progshared2

    FPIC = ON
    SRCS = progshared2.c
    SharedUserTarget (progshared2_u, progshared2.o,
        $(UTILS_LIB) $(CLX_UTILS_LIB),,,)

  3. Copy the application.

    Copy the shared application into the /bin subdirectory of the chorus_root_directory directory:

    % cp $WORK/progshared2dir/progshared2_u chorus_root_directory/bin 

  4. Copy the shared library.

    Copy the shared library into the /lib subdirectory of the chorus_root_directory directory:

    % cp $WORK/libshared2dir/ chorus_root_directory/lib 

  5. Notify the runtime linker.

    The following command will notify the runtime linker where to find the shared library:

    % rsh jericho setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lib/shared:/lib 

    Alternatively, set the runpath to /lib in the ldopts argument of the program macro (-rpath /lib).

  6. Start the program.

    The following command will start the program and load the and libraries (if they have not already been loaded by another actor):

    % rsh jericho /bin/progshared2