ChorusOS 5.0 Application Developer's Guide

Using Semaphores

In the following example, two threads explicitly synchronize by means of a semaphore, so that the actor is eventually destroyed when the created thread has performed its function. Refer to the semInit(2K) man page for more information.

Example 9-2 Synchronizing Using Semaphores

(file: progov/semaphore.c)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chorus.h>
#define USER_STACK_SIZE (1024 * sizeof(long))         
KnSem   sampleSem; /* Semaphore allocated as global variable */
int childCreate(KnPc entry)
  KnActorPrivilege      actorP;
  KnDefaultStartInfo_f  startInfo;
  char*                 userStack;
  int                   childLid = -1;
  int                   res;
  startInfo.dsType            = K_DEFAULT_START_INFO;
  startInfo.dsSystemStackSize = K_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
  res = actorPrivilege(K_MYACTOR, &actorP, NULL);
  if (res != K_OK) {
    printf("Cannot get the privilege of the actor, error %d\n", res);
  if (actorP == K_SUPACTOR) {
    startInfo.dsPrivilege = K_SUPTHREAD;
  } else {
    startInfo.dsPrivilege = K_USERTHREAD;
  if (actorP != K_SUPACTOR) {
    userStack = malloc(USER_STACK_SIZE);
    if (userStack == NULL) {
      printf("Cannot allocate user stack\n");
    startInfo.dsUserStackPointer = userStack + USER_STACK_SIZE;
  startInfo.dsEntry = entry;
  res = threadCreate(K_MYACTOR, &childLid, K_ACTIVE, 0, &startInfo);
  if (res != K_OK) {
    printf("Cannot create the thread, error %d\n", res);
  return childLid;
  int myThreadLi;
  int res;
  myThreadLi = threadSelf();
  printf("I am the new thread. My thread identifier is: %d\n", myThreadLi);
  res  = semV(&sampleSem);
  if (res != K_OK){            
    printf("Cannot perform the semV operation, error %d\n", res);     
      /* Suicide */
  res = threadDelete(K_MYACTOR, K_MYSELF);
  if (res != K_OK){            
    printf("Cannot suicide, error %d\n", res);         
      /* Should never reach this point! */
int main(int argc, char** argv, char**envp)
  int        myThreadLi;
  int        newThreadLi;
  int        res;
      * Initialize the semaphore to 0 so that
      * the first semP() operation blocks.
  res = semInit(&sampleSem, 0);
  if (res != K_OK) {            
    printf("Cannot initialize the semaphore, error %d\n", res);       
  newThreadLi = childCreate((KnPc)sampleThread);
  myThreadLi = threadSelf();
  printf("Parent thread identifier = %d, Child thread identifier = %d\n",
      myThreadLi, newThreadLi);
       * Since semaphore has been initialized to 0
       * this semP will block until a semV is performed 
       * by the created thread, letting the main thread know
       * that created thread's job is done.
  res = semP(&sampleSem, K_NOTIMEOUT);
  if (res != K_OK) {            
    printf("Cannot perform the semP operation, error %d\n", res);     
      * Created thread has run and done all of its job.
      * It is time to safely exit.
 return 0;