ChorusOS 5.0 Board Support Package Developer's Guide

bootconf Implementation

This section describes the bootconf program implementation provided in ChorusOS.

The main role of bootconf is to hold the BootConf structure described in "BootConf Structure". The structure is generated by the mkimage tool using the ChorusOS configuration file, as described in Chapter 7, Configuring the ChorusOS System Image. mkimage then links the generated BootConf structure with the program described in this section.

The role of the bootconf code is to install the standalone binaries (such as the bootstrap program, debug agents and debug drivers) and to transfer control to the bootstrap program, passing a pointer to the BootConf structure as an argument.

The bootconf implementation assumes that the memory bank containing the bootconf binary has already been installed at the bank's starting address by the initial loader.

The bootconf code is board-independent; it can be used on any board based on a given processor family. Examples in this section are for the PowerPC family of boards. The implementations for other target families have similar logic and structure.

The bootconf implementation is contained in two source files, bconf_crt0.s and bconf_main.c.

bconf_crt0.s Source File

The source_dir/nucleus/bsp/src/family/powerpc/boot_tools/bconf_crt0.s file contains the bootconf start-up routine, bconf_start().

Example 4-2 bconf_start()


        .section        .text
        LoadAddr(r5,bconf_main)         /* bconf_main(r3) */
        b       .L1

        LoadAddr(r5,bconf_reboot_main)  /* bconf_reboot_main(r3, r4) */
        b       .L1

         * Copy read/write segment if necessary
         * (note that the segment can include the code that
         * we are executing)

        LoadAddr(r8,  rw_kaddr)         /* r8 = src_addr */
        LoadAddr(r9,  rw_vaddr)         /* r9 = dst_addr */ 
        LoadAddr(r10, rw_size)          /* r10 = size    */
        cmpwi   r10,0                   /* if (size)                  */
        beq     .L3                     /*                            */
        cmpw    r8, r9                  /*   if (dst_addr != src_addr)  */
        beq     .L3                     /*                            */
.L2:                                    /*     do {                   */
        lbz     r0,0(r8)                /*       r0 = *src_addr       */
        stb     r0,0(r9)                /*       *dst_addr = r0       */
        addi    r8,r8,1                 /*       ++src_addrq          */
        addi    r9,r9,1                 /*       ++dst_addr           */
        subic.  r10,r10,1               /*       --size               */
        bne     .L2                     /*     } while (size)         */
.L3:                                    /*                            */
         * Zero bss segment if necessary

        LoadAddr(r9,  bss_vaddr)        /* r9 = dst_addr              */
        LoadAddr(r10, bss_size)         /* r10 = size                 */

        cmpwi   r10,0                   /* if (size)                  */
        beq     .L5                     /*                            */
        li      r0,0                    /*   r0 = 0                   */
.L4:                                    /*   do {                     */
        stb     r0,0(r9)                /*     *dst_addr = 0          */
        addi    r9,r9,1                 /*     ++dst_addr             */
        subic.  r10,r10,1               /*     --size                 */
        bne     .L4                     /*   } while (size)           */
         * Setup the stack

        LoadAddr(r1, heap)              /* sp = heap[]        */
        LoadAddr(r9, heapSize)          /*                    */
        lwz     r9, 0(r9)               /*                    */
        add     r1, r1, r9              /* sp = sp + heapSize */

         * Jump to the main
         * (note that if the code was also copied we must jump into 
         * the copy)

        mtlr    r5

The bootconf program defines two entry points bconf_start() and bconf_reboot_start(). The power-up initialization program enters using bconf_start() for a cold boot, whereas the reboot program enters using bconf_reboot_start() in the hot reboot path.

The install_me() routine tests whether the read-write segment and bss segment are link-edited in place (that is, at their places within the memory bank). To obtain the segment's layout within its memory bank and link-editing address, bconf_start() refers to predefined sections that mkimage relocated as follows:

If necessary, install_me() copies the read-write segment and initializes the bss segment to zero. Note that the bootconf code can be part of the read-write segment.

The stack_setup() routine initializes the stack pointer with the limit of the heap. The heap location and size are defined by heapStart and heapLimit (see "Heap and Stack").

The jump_to_main() routine jumps to the bconf_main() routine. If the bootconf code is part of the previously copied read-write segment, this jump transfers control from the original to the copy. The bconf_start program passes the content of register r3 as an opaque argument to bconf_main(). Note that this jump works without calling sync/isync instructions as caching is disabled at this time.

The __mkimage_label_start label enables the power-up program to transfer control to the bootconf binary, as described in Example 4-1.

Note also that bconf_crt0.s preserves the value of r3 and r4 to allow callers to pass, at most, two arguments to the subsequent programs. For example, the initial loader can pass one board-dependent argument to the bootstrap program in r3, whereas the reboot program can pass two arguments (see "Hot Reboot").

bconf_main.c Source File

The source_dir/nucleus/bsp/src/boot_tools/bconf_main.c file contains the bootconf main routine, bconf_main().

Example 4-3 bconf_main()

BootConfRebootEntry __mkimage__label__REF_reboot = 0;

bconf_main(void* cookie)
    int i;

     * Register hot reboot entry
    bootConf->rebootEntry = __mkimage__label__REF_reboot;

     * Install all standalone sections

     * Launch bootstrap program
    for (i = 0; i < bootConf->numBins; ++i) {
        BinDesc* bin = &bootConf->binDesc[i];
        if (bin->type == BIN_BOOTSTRAP) {
            (* (BootstrapEntry) bin->entry)(bootConf, cookie);

First of all, the bconf_main() routine registers the bootconf hot reboot entry point in the BootConf structure. Note that the registered address must be a reference to the bootconf image. This address can be different from the entry point's link-edit address if the bootconf text segment is not XIP. To provide the reference, the mkimage tool stores the system image address of the location __mkimage__label__reboot in the data location __mkimage__label__REF_reboot.

The bconf_main() routine calls binInstallByMask() to copy (if necessary), the read-write segments of all standalone binaries and initializes their bss segments to zero. Calling binInstallByMask() at this point, bconf_main() assumes that any memory banks containing standalone binaries have already been installed at the required address. See "binInstallByMask() and binInstallByType()" for more information.

The binInstallByMask() function is implemented by the bootstrap framework library (see "Common Bootstrap Implementation Framework").

Finally, the bconf_main() function retrieves the descriptor that points to the bootstrap program binary in the BootConf structure, and jumps to its entry point. It passes as arguments the address of the BootConf structure and an opaque value from the initial loader.

The source_dir/nucleus/bsp/src/boot_tools/bconf_main.c file also contains the second main routine, bconf_reboot_main(), which is used for performing a hot reboot:

Example 4-4 bconf_reboot_main()

bconf_reboot_main(RebootDesc* rd, void* cookie)
		if (rd) {
			 * Restore the pointer to the persistent memory description
      bootConf->rebootDesc = rd;

		 	 * Join the cold bootstrap path

bconf_reboot_main() registers a reference to the system state, preserved by the hot reboot (see "HotRebootDesc Structure" for details) in the BootConf structure, and then joins the cold reboot pass.