ChorusOS 5.0 Features and Architecture Overview

ChorusOS-Solaris Convergence

The ChorusOS operating system is the real-time embedded operating system companion to the Solaris operating environment, providing the following advantages:

Design flexibility

The sharing between the two operating systems means developers can decide exactly how much of their solution will use the Solaris environment, and how much will be based on the ChorusOS operating system, but use all the same surrounding technology.

Gradual migration

By making it easy for developers to choose any percentage split between the ChorusOS operating system and the Solaris operating system, and by making all the surrounding modules and technologies converge with both, Sun enables developers and their operator clients to begin at any point in the evolution from real-time embedded to computer-based systems, and migrate slowly to where they want to go as they replace obsolete systems and invest in new technologies.